Killing In Self Defense

by Cold Steel 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Darth Fader The Sequel
    Darth Fader The Sequel

    The real issue here is: why does a group of coddled old dudes in New York think they are capable or entitled to be making policies and proclamations about how, when and why an individual can defend themselves? Are they willing to take care of my family financially and otherwise if I am killed because I had no way of defending myself? If not, then they should keep their yaps shut!!!

  • Darth Fader The Sequel
    Darth Fader The Sequel

    Right, BU2B. Incessant flip-flopping. They must have had a sketchy connection on the golden telephone line from the Holy Spirit to NY.

  • prologos

    The person having planned and comitting a criminal act like home invasion has, by doing so, relinquished all rights, my feeling.

    but you better be better armed and quick.

  • TD


    It would definitely be a (JW) judicial case, due to "manslaughter" (it's in the elders manual).

    Nothing surprises me, and the reading comprehension of the average JW elder is pretty high on the list, so I'm not diagreeing.

    Both Shepherd The Flock Of God (2010) and its predecessor, Pay Attention To Yourselves And To All The Flock (1991) define, "Manslaughter" as death resulting from careless and thoughtless actions like violating traffic and safety laws. (Pages 59 & 92 respectively)

    This would preclude rather than include death in a clear case of self defense.

  • sir82

    True, I forgot that it was that specific.

    I'm not sure where "killing with a weapon of deadly force in the act of self defense" would fall in the list of judicially actionable situations then. "Manslaughter" seemsd to be the closest fit.

  • Darth Fader The Sequel
    Darth Fader The Sequel

    Isn't it precious that one of us could be prosecuted in a JW "judicial" using the Bible as the means of authority, the very same Bible of which the entire first half of is full of nothing but stories about sanctioned slaughters, wars, murders and the like?

  • TD
    the very same Bible....

    ...That draws the distinction between manslaughter and justifiable homicide and explictily states the moral axiom upon which self defense rests?

  • sir82

    Oh sure, the Bible does, but does the Watchtower?

    You know which one outranks the other in JW world, right?

  • Apognophos

    Personally I think it's even sillier to ban martial arts for self-defense than guns. It's much less likely to kill someone and vastly less likely to injure someone by accident. If JWs can only defend with their hands then why not at least allow them to use their hands skillfully? It seems that they decided beforehand that they just didn't like martial arts and then looked for ways to impugn it, such as the tenuous connection to Eastern religion.

  • 3rdgen

    It is clear the NY alphabet soup (as Darth calls it) has changed their minds about self defence. Why? When they could have left it up to "Ceasar" to decide? IMHO it is because as tensions mounted worldwide against JW rhetoric against all governments fearing being BANNED as a potential terriorist threat, they banned guns, removed songs that had lyrics about Christian warfare, marches, The Sword of Jehovah and of Giddeon" became "and work for it's sanctification." By making the religion appear to be Pacifistic they could make a better case for JW's posing no threat to any society or government. In short the move was made for self-preservation. Many have stated before: decisions made by GB are reactionary.

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