They will William Penwell
This weeks #2 & #3 talk on homosexuality
by granada35 96 Replies latest jw friends
An elder was assigned the talk in "my" KH. He stuck pretty close to the source material, but went on about how bad gay marriage is. To be honest I tuned it out.
As long as people are not hurting others, or PUSHING their beliefs and lifestyle on others I dont see what the harm could be. So much damage is done by trying to supress peoples true sexuality. I believe sexuality is a sliding scale and in many cases not as simple as gay or straight. Many people have had desire for both sexes at some point, but most feel forced to choose a side at some point. Our society is obsessed with labels.
When the WT delivers its ignorant advice that you can "cure" homosexuality by marrying a woman, the result is a miserable marriage. Can you imagine being a gay man married to someone he has little to no attraction to? Can you imagine being a woman stuck in a marriage to a gay man with no way out? If they let people be themselves this would not happen as it so often has.
The WT is behind the times, but we do well to remember that as recently as the 50s and 60s, homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder or disease much like pedophelia is today. The difference is that pedophiles harm others, even when they do not intend to. Homosexuals do not.
I find it fascinating that explorers and scientists for years supressed evidence of homesexuality in the animal kingdom since this undermined their argument that it is unnatural and ungodly. They couldnt have people knowing that the majority of mammal species have a percent of males that exclusively pair off and ha ve sex with each others. In some species such as penguins, they even pai off for life, using a stone in place of an egg.
JWs in general are so bigoted and hateful and homophobic even beyond what is in the publictions. They show by their actions and words that they believe that it is a worse sin than others.
They have
Im sure somewhere some preachers are screaming at their congregation that the ebola virus breakout is the result of God's wrath for some of the states allowing gay marriage.
What do you mean about homos not harming people?? I must take issue with this. Every day I struggle to gain weight so Calvin Klein suits and jackets won't fit me anymore. The anguish of always wearing fitted pants that show off my adonis rear is too much! I can't even shop without someone staring! Where are all the baggy and fugly pants?!?
These homo promoters, making all kinds of attractive clothes, they are making my life hell. Don't even get me started on IKEA!!
Send me a selfie of you in your skinny jeans. We know you got it!!!
LOL!! Unfortunately my identity must remain a secret. Even a selfie of my rear could cause a rift in the very fabric of the Universe. Its just too dangerous!
Separation of Powers
Love how the new REVISED NWT has added...that's right "ADDED" to the 1 Cor 6:9 with its blatant slant toward anti-gay. It is incredible how much they have moved from a translation to an interpretation. Grab and interlinear, read the word for word, and compare. Integrity? Hardly.
My now deceased JW mother knew her lovely son was queer and she remained steadily and astutely supportive despite mumurings among some of the local brothers and sisters.
One of her best JW friends - who did not know at that time that I was gay - was talking to my mother about another "brother" who fell away and became "a practising homosexual". This sister described the brother as now being the lowest of the low. My mother - who died in good standing among the local Witnesses - told me on the quiet, "After she [her friend] said that, I couldn't be around her anymore and I knew it would be asking for trouble by saying you were gay and I loved and supported you like all of my other children".
I will always love my mother for holding her tongue but still steadfastly supporting me in her heart. The organization put her in such a difficult situation.
I'd like to think that, despite the public face of hate, increasing numbers of Witnesses feel uncomfortable about the hate speech and don't treat their gay and lesbian loved ones like scum and, yes, over time, even make it clear they will not shun their children due to their sexual orientation and forming loving relationships as approriate to their orientation.
Steve, that's the nicest thing I've read on JWN for a long time. Thanks for sharing it, your Mum sounds like she was a lovely woman.
Can you post the difference in the New bible and the interlinear? I dont have them or want them, but am really curious on this.