I am one of Jehovahs witnesses, with a gay son, it is very painful to see your son struggle and hate himself for the feelings he has, he was dfd and he struggles so much, I have learned to accept him and what kind of mother would I be if after seeing my son struggle to remind him "well you know what the Bible says" , I tell him I love him everyday and I'm here for him, I don't want him to take his life or something because he feels worthless, last year he had a broken heart he broke up with someone he cared about, I just was his mother being there for his son, telling him it will get better, not the jw in me that would say that's wrong, it was not easy listening to the talk this week, anyone can say anything they want but unless you live it, everything changes, just show love!
This weeks #2 & #3 talk on homosexuality
by granada35 96 Replies latest jw friends
Flipper: 'My JW mom who is now 87 [accepts gay people]'
Fantastic! It's taken me most of my adult life to accept gay people for who they are, and treat them as equals.
You're never too old to learn.
I don't see how JW parents of gay kids can sit in a KH and listen to that hate speech and then say they love their children; looks like they love their religion more by their actions. Like MLK said, "In the end we will not remember the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends". [or in this case family]
admttedly i dont like coming on here because I find the reasoning on here quite incredible. I personally work with people who are gay. I am a jw. I simply follow the biblical approach to things in line with scripture.....Gods own word. I personally dont judge such ones. Thats jesus role when he returns. I thought the meeting this week about this subject was balanced and in line with scripture. I dont see it any different to any other form of immorality. At the same time, a persons love for God can help them overcome this temptation. Its about having a balanced approach and not false reasoning. I know one brother who has managed to control such feelings in this life and is an upstanding christian. God and Jesus dont change their views on morality because society decides to change it.
@Truthexplorer - you seem to equate homosexuality with immorality. Supposing a gay couple remain chaste throughout their courtship and only have a sexual relationship within marriage.
How do you feel about this?
Give me a scripture quoting Jesus' words on homosexuality. I'll wait for your answer. Not Paul's word on homosexuality, but the words of Jesus.
You said: "I know one brother who has managed to control such feelings in this life and is an upstanding christian. God and Jesus dont change their views on morality because society decides to change it."
If your friend has these feelings, that is the definition of homosexuality. It is a condition, not an act, and it is the condition, the label of homosexuality itself that JWs judge people on. If anybody is labeled as gay in the JW organization they can and will be ostracized and carry a stigma as many ex-JWs will tell you.
love-uni hate-exams
First and foremost, I am a Christian. I choose to lead my life as a Christian (as a disciple of Christ). I follow closely in his footsteps and therfore choose to live my lifestyle in accordance with the Christian way of life. Some of the individuals I work with are gay and choose to live their lifestyle the way they want to live it. That is their choice of lifestyle, but as a christian I choose to live my lifestyle within the boundaries set out in the bible. I follow Gods word as a Christian becuase I beleive it is the inspired word of God; and because I beleive it is the inspired word of God, I beleive that Marriage should only be between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation and sustaining the family unit. YHWH clearly outlines this in his word. In all honesty, if Jesus came back tomorrow and you asked him that very same question, what do you really think he would say?
As a jehovahs witness, I do not hate gay people, because one day that person might become a Christian, so I treat them the same way as I would anybody else. This would obviously be a huge sacrifice of the temporary enjoyment he or she may have in this world. But all of Gods people throughout history have had to make sacrifices in one way or another to remain faithful.
Matt 5:17,18 - Jesus had a deep respect for the law. If he respected the law, he would have obeyed what his father in heaven had commanded in regards to immorality. The law condemned homosexuality - leviticus 18:22, 24-30 . I could quote numerous scriptures, throughout the old testament, but a quick search on line shows these. Again as per above. What would Jesus say if he was asked the same question today?
God wants all to attain to repentence. Yes it would mean a lot of sacrifice for many individuals. But some have in the past lived this lifestyle and turned around; and that takes a lot to do that.
The brother I referred to earlier is probably a great example of someone who puts his love for God over his own desires. He is making that sacrifice and many of the brothers are aware of that which we truly admire. Without any doubt, if he wasnt a practicing christian, he would more than likely live such a lifetyle. This brother by the way is very well thought of by many brothers and great fun to be around.
As I say, from a christian viewpoint, its about being balanced as to the way we treat people, but by the same token educating people about christian values and looking beyond the temporary enjoyment of this world to the Kingdom ahead
"Jesus had a deep respect for the law. If he respected the law, he would have obeyed what his father in heaven had commanded in ....leviticus...." - Truthexplorer
Now, think hard on this before you answer. As a Christian yourself with a deep respect for the law, do you follow all the commands in Leviticus, no exceptions?
Don't say I didn't try to warn you...
I also think its important to remember no homosexual wants to be that way. To go through life as an out cast. Not in a million years.