And big ole J looked on.......
Consider the "outcome" when elders apply the two-witness "rule"
by AndersonsInfo 105 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Island Man
“What we are doing is simply being consistent with the Bible laws and principles, and as much as you dislike the outcome,we have told everyone of our stand, and you can’t fault us for being consistent,” the organization said in its defense of the rule."
Contrast this reckless view of "we follow the Bible and don't give a damn what results" with what Watchtower has to say about creationists who arguably take a similar hard-line position in applying their "6-day rule" for the creation of heaven and earth:
"Those who teach . . . creationism - may have high regard for the Bible, but they contend that God created all things in six 24-hour days just a few thousand years ago. They reject credible scientific evidence that contradicts their view. As a result, the teaching of creationism actually discredits the Bible, making it appear unreasonable and inaccurate." The Watchtower, October 15, 2013 page 7, paragraph 3.
Really, Watchtower? And your ultraliteral application of the 2-Witness rule doesn't discredit the Bible, making it "appear unreasonable and inaccurate?" You don't reject the use of a second credible witness to pedophilia in the form of police investigation?
So when following the two-witness rule, JWs adopt an ultra-literal interpretation of scripture, resulting in the continued harm of innocent children and bringing reproach, not only on their own organization (when it is eventually found out) but also on the bible. And it does not occur to them that something could be wrong about how they're applying the scripture. Yet JWs hypocritically turn around and condemn Young Earth Creationists when they follow the "6-day rule" by adopting the ultra-literal interpretation of Genesis to mean that God created the heavens and the earth in 6 24-hour days.
The JW organization is one of the biggest hypocrites in Christendom!
Even assuming the two-witness rule makes sense Scripturally, which I dispute, but that is for another Thread, it is concerned with when it is appropriate to exercise Church discipline.
Nowhere does a Scripture say that what are considered crimes by the Civil Authorities should be ignored and not reported to those Authorities.
The moral and common-sense duty to report an accusation is overwhelming, and does not go contrary to Scripture.
I have first hand knowledge of a case where this correct attitude was taken by a B.O.E many years ago, they made sure the accusation was reported, but did not feel they could DF the perpetrator until he was convicted.
As it happened, other children came forward and he was DF'd before going to Court, which suited the BOE as they could say with pride that they had acted as quickly as they could. I do praise their attitiude in the first place though, apparently uncommon.
I cannot see any reason why other B.O.E's do not do as this one did.
I hope thousands of lawsuits emerge now to take the b*st*rd WBT$ and it's corrupt leaders down.
I suggest the attorneys seek some kind of restraining order to keep the WTS from transferring all it's CA$H to other countries.
Just WOW. I am so glad I walked out of this cult 19 years ago. I would be so ashamed to be a part of this disgusting pedophile protecting organization. No doubt the GB and JW lawyers will be hinding Watchtower assets from the judicial system to avoid higher payouts to the many victims.
Thanks for posting this Barbara. These crimes need to be shouted from the rooftops about the WT Society's lack of caring towards child abuse victims. I mean- the arrogance of the WT attorney Jim McCabe saying, " as much as you dislike the outcome, we have told everyone of our stand, and you can't fault us for being consistent. " ?????? Can't fault them for being CONSISTENT ? You mean consistently arrogant ? Consistently harboring pedophiles and getting in the way of police investigations of child abuse by not allowing your appointed bodies of elders to talk with prosecuting attorneys and only your WT legal department ?
WT Society is consistent alright. Consistent in protecting it's own financial assets while punishing JW families who need and desire justice for sexual abuse crimes committed by appointed elders , ministerial servants, and Circuit Overseers who help proliferate and delay those wheels of justice from EVER happening towards children who are victims of WT Society irresponsibility in upholding the laws of the land concerning felony child abuse. Message to WT Society : Start giving " Caesars things back to Caesar " and cooperate and obey the laws of the land and stop being a criminal organization harboring pedophiles and adults who rape children. Oh yeah, and stop knowingly promoting these child molesters to elders and ministerial servants positions - what did the scriptures say, " If one knows how to do what is right and doesn't do it- it's a sin for him ( or her ) ? " WT leaders aren't only sinners- they are criminals harboring criminals.
Barbara, thanks for posting the youtube as well. People need to know about these abuses
The Borg is a pedophiles dream......Those POS bastards. Castrate all of them.
I wish the BORG would just go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the link to the article:
I'll bet that "Brother" McCabe is getting his @$$ kicked by Bethel bigwigs for being such a tone-deaf spokesman.
“What we are doing is simply being consistent with the Bible laws and principles, and as much as you dislike the outcome , we have told everyone of our stand, and you can’t fault us for being consistent,” the organization said in its defense of the rule .
Romans 13:1 - Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
The Watchtower's consistent with the bible huh? Why can't the plantiffs have a historian or theologian go on the stands to destroy this pathetic doctrine? If scriptures are being used to uphold organization policies in a court of law, why can't they be used to destory them? Or am I simply confused here?
The Governing Body are very sick criminals. Thanks for the update Barb.