Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"

by breakfast of champions 443 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • poopsiecakes
  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    'People say "God understands." Well, that's not the god of the bible, that's not the god I know' - Tony the Turd

    This statement really struck a chord with my wife. She was gobsmacked.

    Again, I would like to thank the governing body for helping me extract my wife from this cult. Excellent work!

  • silent

    Not to tickle the ears of the rank and file, but wouldn't it just be nice to have a complimentary talk that tells everyone their efforts are appreciated and keep hanging in there? It just leaves you feeling worthless, drained, robs you any shred of self-esteem you might have had, and is a huge clash to what reality really is. It leaves a trail of pent up sexual frustration for starters that pits Biblical teaching against your sexual desires which you had nothing to do with nor did you ask for! Paul summed it up nicely when he simply said it's better to marry than burn with passion. Even though that's kind of obvious, Paul never said to marry ministerial servants or elders - just to marry only in the Lord. Am I catching wind that they think you're nothing if you're not an elder or ministerial servant? Something is really off here...

  • 4thgen

    'People say "God understands." Well, that's not the god of the bible, that's not the god I know'

    It just goes to show that this GB2.0 is not worshipping the God of the Bible. The Bible says that God is love. Jesus also showed love.....From his own mouth it's confirmed - they worship neither the God of the Bible nor have faith in Jesus.

  • EdenOne

    Again, I would like to thank the governing body for helping me extract my wife from this cult. Excellent work!



  • tornapart

    They are Pharisees.... just like the ones Jesus condemned.

  • sloppyjoe2

    This reminds me of the "bum witnesses" fever this board had last year with a comment taken completely out of context. tomorrow I'll be interested to see just how Morris talked about parents and their kids leaving and see if it's as blunt as some think it is.

  • leaving_quietly

    Ok, I've concluded that the whole thing was a huge money grab. Here's why:

    At the local KHs, ALL donations were to go toward the Worldwide Work. ALL of them. Even any dropped in the Local Congregation slot.

    And the only announcement that was made? You guessed it: Please make your checks out to "Jehovah's Witnesses" or to "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses".

    This was a BRILLIANT move to get a massive spike in donations. Nearly 10% of all JWs in a 3 hour time period.

    Wow. Just . . . Wow.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I think this Conan O'brien quote will fit here:

    "The beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality."

    Young JW's baptized just as or slightly before their hormones turned on and now becoming adults will be disappointed at their prospects of ever having a sexual relation with a JW spouse. Their clarity will be to leave the religion. The GB hopes that their parents' pilgrimage to Mecca will profoundly affect them- it won't.

    Parents will be disappointed that "the truth" has nothing to entice their young adult children.

    Everyone will be disappointed that the elders will ramp up their judgmentalness of clothing and measurements of what is spiritual.

    They even set up the members for disappointment about giving away their cash and getting no new KH's because they have such a huge backlog SOMEWHERE ELSE.

    And it seems that everyone who paid attention to this big disappointment, despite their conversations of "Wasn't that just wonderful" will recognize that nothing serious was really highlighted- nothing about this terrible rebranding becoming idolatry or the 100-years of waiting for more waiting.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    LEAVING QUIETLY - I think you may have nailed it. Instead of Saturday afternoon at the movies, it's at the Kingdom Hall stuffing a couple tens in the box.

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