Sounds like your husband is trying to punish you for going over his power and control.
In JW land your supposed be submissive and obedient to you're husband and all men.
You broke away from that and now he's trying to build up something toward his own position which has been designed by the WTS.
...... and if your family are JWS , its not surprising he would expose your actions to them.
Being JWS means you watch carefully what others JWS do and say, particularly when your actions are against the directives/doctrines of the WTS. leaders.
Actually your husbands tell tailing on you is building up and showing his own inherent righteous vindication and
drawing up his own support from fellow JWS members.
Having a wife that is NOT following in line with the power and authority of the WTS. is creating a shame upon himself in his congregation.
In any case take of yourself and don't let this intellectually immature delusional brainwashed of a husband bother you.
Now you know why marriages when one partner is JWS and the other is not usually fail and if the Truth be told the WTS. apathetically wants them to fail.