You're going to ignore the entire quoted information that directly supports part of my assertion because of a mistype? Are you trying to share ideas and have a discussion, or do "gotchas" to look like you won an argument on the Internet?
Respectfully, it is unrealistic to expect readers to decide what is or is not a typographical error in what you write. More to the point, I have no idea whether you mistyped or whether you're now claiming a typo realizing your original assertion is shown to be a blatant falsehood!!! Moreover, I don't care one way or another because I have no inclination to "win" an argument--whatever THAT is supposed to mean.
My interest is in examining the subject at hand. Part of examining a subject is examining what people bring to the table in terms of evidence and logical argumentation based on that evidence. Hence I ask questions and ask for evidence.
So far what I've seen from you is fallacious use of strawman argumentation and, more recently, an offering of evidence that spoke contrary to your assertion. Of the latter you say what you asserted was a typo. Fine. That does not change your other fallacious method, one you bothered to make an assertion of toward me that to date is left unevidenced. What you've demonstrated in this discussion is not what is expected from a person who appeals to scientific means and methods. Frankly, I've relegated things coming from you to a point where I nearly pay no attention. Make of that whatever you will. I don't care. I'm here for the subject not the personalities.
Tell you what, when you get around to proving the assertions you made of my earlier statements--and I'm SURE you know precisely what I'm talking about--then you and I have more to talk about.