Since Michael Brown's death 14 teens have been killed by police officers. In the past couple of days two more fatal shootings and a near miss. One 12 year old died, Tamar Rice.
An attention grabbing but entirely useless statistic. It is an outrage for one reason or another but the implication is that it is unfair and the police's fault. Each case has to be investigated individually to determine the cause. Whatever the real reason, they will become stats used to complain about the police.
Iceland had its first ever fatal police shooting last year, the first one, in its 69 year history. The officers do not carry weapons except in extrodinary circumstances. While Iceland has high gun ownership deaths by guns are rare. One murder in 2013. There is strict gun regulation. Iceland is more Socialist and class distinctions are less than in Capitalist countries. Iceland is a strong supporter of the UN Arms Trade Treaty and the UN Firearms Protocol.
In the developed countries were fatal shootings have dropped in all catagories and crime is low Primary Care and Secondary Care factors are believed to be key factors. 1.Loving Family. 2. Social Programs- education, career training, social activities, civic pride.
Iceland had a murder? It's going to hell in a hand basket!
Strong gun control and opinions to violence are crucial but comparing different cultures from different countries is difficult. What is it meant to prove? Does Iceland have black inner-city communities?
Pride in the community is important. I wonder how much pride or respect anyone has for their community for them to burn it to the ground?
Do any School Districts in the US still offer Skilled Trades classes- Metal Shop, Wood Shop, Automotive Shop, Drafting. In the early 1960s we had those classes. When I graduated I had built tables and chairs for the Final. Metal shop- we made tools. Architecture class- I built a scale model home.
Germany, as I understand, makes sure a High School graduate has a marketable skill and is in an apprenticeship program.
Education is seen as valuable by the governments but also by those being educated - they are a crucial part of the equation.
Crime can be easier and more lucrative for some.