Was justice served fairly in the Micheal Brown tragedy, whats your opinion ?

by Finkelstein 164 Replies latest social current

  • Violia

    Well, regrading white privliege - I grew up in a small town in Texas. We were poorer than most of the community. ( my father moved us into the best community he could in hopes of rasing our standard of living- instead they just rejected us) We were treated as if we were black but better than a mexican at that time. Mexicans at that time could not even come in some stores. Mostly they were mirigrant workers. This was the 50's/60's . There were REALLY signs in front of Woothworths diner that Coloreds could not be served.

    White privilege does not apply to all whites and if you don't know that then you have never been poor and had whites consider you to be no better than blacks or mexicans. They like to call us poor white trash, basically we are white blacks.

  • lisaBObeesa

    white privilege and being poor and white...


    They like to call us poor white trash, basically we are white blacks.

    But you could eat at woolworths. so you were not exactly like blacks. there was one major difference: the color of your skin.

  • Pacopoolio
    For one small example, if I work hard and get a very good job, no one will wonder if I do not really qualify for the job and was given the job because of the color of my skin.

    I tend to use less controversial examples; just giving examples of all of the little annoyances in life that can add up for a minority, that people in the majority will not even consider.

    For instance, being white means that if you were to join a dating site, you wouldn't be excluded from 85% of the women's searches because they completely and purposely exclude your race from a search (can provide citations). It means you don't have to jump to as many stores to find beauty products that match your skin/complexion/etc. It means that you can actually wear "flesh color bandages." Etc.

  • Simon

    Sorry James Brown but I'm going to call 'bogus' on that article. It doesn't sound like something a black person would say - more like something that certain white people may want a black person to say.

    That doesn't mean all of it is invalid but I just found the "white people don't riot" part was a bit too far. Sure, there tend not to be so many riots that are about race or anything where the only connection to a person is skin color but white people riot, often for dumb reasons such as losing at a hockey match or celebrating pumpkins. But it's fair to say that there isn't mass support from the white community.

    In fact, I don't think 'white community' really exists. We tend to only really care more about our own local community and identify with that. In my area there are not many black people but we meet indian, asian and native americans more plus non-canadian caucasions (english, german, dutch) - they are "my community".

  • Simon

    Since you are not American, you probably don't realize how you are channeling Bull Connor here.

    Very insulting and I think completely unjustified.

  • Pacopoolio
    White privilege does not apply to all whites and if you don't know that then you have never been poor and had whites consider you to be no better than blacks or mexicans. They like to call us poor white trash, basically we are white blacks.

    This is the mistake a lot of people make; basically, "my life wasn't easy, so how can you say I was advantaged." It's not that any white person will have more advantages than any person of color by a default, it's that being a combination of a straight, white, Christian, tall, male (among other things) will give certain advantages just by the nature of being that particular thing, that other people do not have.

    Let's use one of my examples as a case study:

    A white guy goes on match.com to try to find a date in his area. He's short, makes under 40,000 income, and overweight (three other things that women also avoid in percentages). He hears about white people having an advantage on dating sites and reacts angrily, saying "it's near impossible for me to get a date on their as well and plenty of black people can get dates, how do I have an advantage?!"

    The flaw in their reasoning is that they're conflating large percentages with their personal experience, and then not making the experience relative to their own. Yes, a tall, rich black man would probably be more successful than him on there, even with 80% of women rejecting him even before they look at a picture of him. However, a short, poor, overweight black man will most likely do worse than him because 85% of the women that would still consider him, even with those disadvantages, would still not search/allow him because he's black. It's just one more thing to add to the checklist, that -can- actually be fixed on a societal level, with time.

  • Simon

    white privilege and being poor and white...

    That article makes a lot of assumptions and false statements.

  • Simon

    But you could eat at woolworths. so you were not exactly like blacks. there was one major difference: the color of your skin.

    was - you do understand past tense right?

    It's within living memory of the older generation but it's not the reality that many are brought up with anymore.

    Are you suggesting, for instance, that there were places in ferguson where black people would not be served or allowed in?

  • lisaBObeesa

    I tend to use less controversial examples; just giving examples of all of the little annoyances in life that can add up for a minority, that people in the majority will not even consider.

    For instance, being white means that if you were to join a dating site, you wouldn't be excluded from 85% of the women's searches because they completely and purposely exclude your race from a search (can provide citations). It means you don't have to jump to as many stores to find beauty products that match your skin/complexion/etc. It means that you can actually wear "flesh color bandages." Etc.

    Thanks for this. I have a hard time avoiding controverial examples because it is hard for me to see that they are controversial. It always surprises me... I should have learned by now. I'm also not as good at seeing all the little things that make up my privilege. There are so many, and they are so built in to my daily life and the culture around me. It's overwhelming when you finally start to see it all. And I think I get so fired up about the bigger things...there are so many big things...'stop and frisk' is happening! I probably won't be frisked in NY because my skin is white. that feels like an injustice that needs to be shouted from the rooftops. It's hard to step back and look at flesh colored bandages. It's something I need to work on, for sure.

  • Violia

    actually Lisa I helped a black man ( minister ) eat at that diner ( at age 12-13 I was)and both of us were asked to leave and I was told I was not a proper Christian girl ( READ WHITE GIRL) and I could not come back. We were treated badly in the community, Lisa. You did not grow up there Lisa and know not of what I speak.

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