Name some must have rock records

by Leander 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe

    seriously i am really depressed. i think it is all finally hitting me...

  • roybatty

    In Your Eyes....have some good memories of that song.

  • Xander

    Interesting you mentioned the Collective Soul 'Run' - also on Roswell. One of my favs.

    You liked 'Something I Can Never Have' try picking up the CD. NiN handles internalized pain VERY well. They have quickly become a fav of mine (thanks to bea for making up my mind on it!).

  • gsx1138

    Queensryche: Operation Mindcrime

    Soundgarden everything

    Dead Milkmen

    Tool everything

    Red Hot Chili Peppers: Blood Sugar Sex Magic

    I'm a sucker for....

    Sarah McLachlan


    Loreena McKinnet


  • MrMoe

    roybatty -- The line "Through a doorway to a thousand churches..." wanna know what it means to me?

    All people's lives they search for a higher power, God, religion, a spirituality, something surreal to believe in, and they search and they search and search but continue to come up empty handed WITHOUT any true sense of purpose.

    Ah, but you see, the window to the human soul is through somebody's eyes. And when he sees her soul, he realize the whole reason for his existence and therefore all those years of fruitless searches... well in her eyes, he finds the doorway to a thousand churches...



  • Naeblis

    We're turning this into a lyrics thread.. ah well..


    all in one move

    all in one move, you
    changed my way of thinking
    bopping away, all that kept me down
    you were snowing when i walked in there
    and the sun was so bright
    it melted all away

    then, all in one move
    you took back what you gave me
    and clouds flourished
    forced the sun to leave, making snow
    fall down on more ice.

  • Naeblis

    MOe send me an email

  • ConnieLynn

    gsx1138 - I also love the Peppers, Blood Sugar Sex Magic, very good album

  • Leander

    This is some good stuff, I'd like to archive this post.

    Anyone know how to save webpages?

  • terafera

    I dont even know all the lyrics to my favorite songs...some of them I cant even understand!

    One of my favorite songs from Nirvana was,

    Rape me...

    Rape me my friend..

    Waste me...

    Waste again...

    I'm not the only one...

    Yeah yeah....

    Rape me! Rape me! Rape me!

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