This is so horrible.
Maybe there are only a handful of jws that commit suicide compared to the rest of the world statistically but it still does not excuse the fact that it could have been prevented if he were not being completely ignored. The wtbts should be picketed for the shunning practices until they put an end to it.
by Sabine 129 Replies latest social current
This is so tragic. This breaks my heart. My best friend in the troof killed herself when she couldn't take the judgements of the elders anymore. She was kept from seeking help; she was marked.
I think these bastards should be charged with murder. They're going after bullies in school now (finally), and the borg is FULL of the bullies.
This is just.. it's, ..... so sad.
Statistically I think the Jehovah's Witnesses have a higher rate of suicide than the general population. BUt I only base this on anecdotal evidence and not hard fact. The rate of Suicide in the general population of the US is around 11 per 100,000, I imagine it's higer in the society.
hi again sabine, ...... i understand the position you are in now......thank you!
Edited by - crawdad2 on 16 June 2002 15:27:48
Whats gets me so angry is that the Witnessess do not understand that Jesus died for everyone. Every person is precious in Gods eyes. Yet I guess it comes down to this, if you do not attend all the meetings or "inactive", you are not worthy of life and your a piece of crap. My question is this how can someone be inactive in God's eyes? What human can tell us that we are not active in searving Jehovah God? If searving and obeying God is by just attending five meetings then why did we need Jesus to die for us? Did not Jesus say the two greatest commandments is to love God with all your heat and soul and love thy neighbor? How can a human speak for God?
Your correct in that oberservation.
I can't tell you how I feel right now. I was at another site, when Crawdad mentioned your post. Such a tragic loss of someone who probably was a very loving, wonderful human being.
The terrible punnishment of being disfellowshipped, ostrasized, shunned, disregarding, cut off, by not only org members, but by families as well, is enough to drive one to that point.
And, hear of your own tragic loss. I am beyond words of condolence. My heart goes out to you and to the family of this suicide victim.
The JW's don't talk about these events. They try to keep it quiet. I knew people were succumbing to the great depression and sadness, but I had just not read or heard much about it.
We can't let them continue to do this. If there are any really sad or depressed people on here, please let us help. Get help. You are a worthwhile human being. You are worthy to be loved.
I remember once crying out for help to an aunt of mine who had been separated from me for years because of my being a JW. I was so desperate one evening--contemplating my end, and just out of the blue, I remembered how kind she had always been to me. I found her phone number and thank god she answered. I blurted out who I was and then said: ...I am a worthwhile human being aren't I?, and she affirmed that to me. She pulled me up out of a really bad place.
We aren't alone!
Beautiful post Sentinel, unconditional love is what it is all about. I agree he made quite a statement by doing it in the kingdom hall lot, early on a Saturday morning so the service group would have something to think about as they knock on those doors.
I felt moved to post the location because this is the forth suicide I have heard of in this area in the last few years. Besides my daughter, there was a family that moved to our cong. from a neighboring cong. because their son killed himself. He was upset nothing was done about the book study conductor that molested his sister. And about three years ago, a young sister in a neighboring congregation took an overdose, told her mother what she did, but died in the emergency room.
I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your daughter, and the painful memories of that loss have been so accutely triggered by this young man's suicide. God, this religion has caused so much suffering in so many ways. They have so much to answer for. You are so right about what you said about living right, and having joy in your life as being the best answer you can give these heartless JW's who don't know the meaning of what it is to have love.
my heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing this story in spite of the tragedy. I am happy you have found some peace in your life. Your story is inspirational for those who are still wondering if they will ever be able to cope.
If I'm not mistaken Woodinville is in King County. Why are the Snohomish police involved? I would check with the ME in King County. Unless the Kingdom Hall is over the border. I don't know where the hall is, so that may be it.
For those who may doubt the veracity of this story I can vouch for these people who are relating the events from their local community. I know some of these people very well and can assure you that if they say it is happening it is for real.