by Sabine 129 Replies latest social current

  • ballistic

    Hey Leyin, I don't think we've spoke before...

    I havent been seriously depressed since I left the borg... what does that mean??? I truly think being a JW was driving me crazy. I am so much happier now, I finally know what happiness is.

    I could have wrote this letter for letter. I was on medication for depression while in the borg. It took me a while after coming out to realise I didn't need it anymore. I truly believe there are some aspects of the truth which can literally send you insane, once again I have to say it, it's those of us who really believed, lived and breathed it. We know.

    Edited by - ballistic on 15 June 2002 17:58:39

  • Joyzabel

    I just wanted to say welcome to the board, arrow. I'm sorry it was with a sad thread you have spoken out. There are many who used to be elders here, you are not alone. Please comment more, when you feel like it.


  • sf

    Pardon me, but where can the news article be found to verify this said story actually took place?


  • Panda

    Sabine, The suicide was so sad. But the little boys comment made me ill. They have taught their children apathy! And at one time I felt the same way!

    Last December a young man my husband worked with shot himself with a shotgun. He was not a JW but his girlfriend was either studying or inactive or something. His death paralysed his parents(also not dubs). Well, his then girlfriend came after the funeral with her JW friend. The JW promptly laid down a piece of shit brochure to console the family. 2 days later this same dub called and asked if she and her company could list the property for sale! Can you believe that!!?? Talk about zero compassion!

    I am sorry for your pain. I am even sorrier for your daughters pain and this young man who planned so exactly the end of his life.

  • Yerusalyim

    Sadly, I think most JW's at that KH will fill a twinge of sympathy for the young man (momentarily) and guilt at shunnning him (momentarily) and then to ease the guilt and get back into the comfort zone of GROUP THINK, will perversely see the suicide as a vindication of the DF and shunning policy.


    I encourage you to really reach out to the mother of this poor soul. How much comfort might you have drawn had someone who shared this experienced reached out in a nonjudgemental way.

    As to the friend of your son that found the body, PLEASE encourage the parents to get him at least ONE TRIP to a counselor , one that deals with Critical Incident Stress Debreifings. PTSD is a real possiblility. Worse, this adds at least one notch to his susceptability to suicide as he's seen it modeled for him.


    You're quite dangerous in that you take some facts about suicide and and some myths about suicide and mix them together.

    Suicide is rarely contemplated for REVENGE, rather LOSS is at the root of suicide. Different people perceive losses in different ways. A dead gold fish might not mean ANYTHING to me, but might be the loss that triggers a suicide in my brother. Secondly RESOURCES real or percieved are key anchors for those contemplating suicide, and combined with a temporary deficit in problem solving skills, a perceived LACK of resources (such as being shunned by ones only friends and religion) contribute IMMEASURABLY to Completed Suicides.

    Finally You Know (NOT) while it's hard to gather the statistics because generally RELIGION is not one of the tidbits collected, anecdotal evidence suggests that Suicide is higher in the JW population as compared to the public at large. Right now the general population stands at about 11 per 100,000.

    Edited by - Yerusalyim on 15 June 2002 20:7:51

    Edited by - Yerusalyim on 15 June 2002 20:34:21


    Hey hillary,Your posts are truthfull,compassionate,and from the heart. Your patience is exemplary.There is always something to learn from your posts...OUTLAW

  • Jim_TX


    I am so sorry to hear about this. Many of us ex-JWs can relate to what this poor fella was going through... I know I can - even tho I never was DF'ed - I felt that I twernt 'good enuf' to be a JW.

    As for your approaching the mom - I would recommend taking the 'high road'.

    Take her a card - or flowers - or something nice - perhaps even a fruit basket.

    Talk to her - nicely, and encouragingly. You know no one else is. After all... this fella was DF'ed. To them, he was just so much garbage that got left in their precious KH parking lot.

    (Sorry - but their attitudes suck.)

    Be sweet to his mom... she may git to thinking (if she already isn't).

    Fond Regards,

    Jim TX

  • DanTheMan

    Sad story. I can relate to the feelings of despair that this young man felt.

    I've been reading a book on cults. One thing it brought out is that many who leave cults do so, not because they come to disagree with the leadership or doctrines, but because they feel like they are losing their mind. It is only later that they realize they were in a cult. This was true in my case. I was getting some pretty powerful suicidal urges my last couple of years in the org, and I decided to take a few weeks off. Then I started surfing and found out the truth about the truth.

    Sometimes I still feel like ending it all would be nice. However, I don't want to give my former dub associates the satisfaction, i.e. "See what happens when you leave?" and all that. Plus, ultimately suicide is a very selfish act, because it is so devastating to the loved ones of the one who commits the act.

    Edited by - dantheman on 15 June 2002 20:28:1

  • LDH

    Robert says:

    I think suicide is a tragedy

    That's so obvious, from the way you extended your heartfelt condolences even on an anonymous DB.

    You are a true example of a superfineChristian. (Sarcasm intended.)


    Just know that should anything ever push *you* to the brink, at least us evil apostates will be here mourning your kitty kat death. Not talking about how you "deserved it." Shame on you.


  • waiting

    hey dantheman,

    Quote: "Many a man has decided to stay alive, not because of the will to live, but because of the determination not to give assorted surviving bastards the satisfaction of his death." Brendan Francis

    I think the sarcasm says volumes..........we all go through sorrow, but some of us feel the anger too - and can put it to use. Look at the websites and research that Simon, AlanF, JanH, Kent, Randy, Shaun, -and many more - have put together. A way to work through being deceived by a cult.

    Perhaps all the more reason for us to encourage others to come here and other forums - encourage learning about their religion. By learning, when they're tossed aside as inconvenient, they can move forward to survive - even be happier and better.

    Disfellowshipping causes depression much deeper than anger the majority of time, imho. The anger comes later at least for most persons.

    Welcome Arrow! Please stick around - maybe encourage your son to join in here or on another forum?


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