Sadly, I think most JW's at that KH will fill a twinge of sympathy for the young man (momentarily) and guilt at shunnning him (momentarily) and then to ease the guilt and get back into the comfort zone of GROUP THINK, will perversely see the suicide as a vindication of the DF and shunning policy.
I encourage you to really reach out to the mother of this poor soul. How much comfort might you have drawn had someone who shared this experienced reached out in a nonjudgemental way.
As to the friend of your son that found the body, PLEASE encourage the parents to get him at least ONE TRIP to a counselor , one that deals with Critical Incident Stress Debreifings. PTSD is a real possiblility. Worse, this adds at least one notch to his susceptability to suicide as he's seen it modeled for him.
You're quite dangerous in that you take some facts about suicide and and some myths about suicide and mix them together.
Suicide is rarely contemplated for REVENGE, rather LOSS is at the root of suicide. Different people perceive losses in different ways. A dead gold fish might not mean ANYTHING to me, but might be the loss that triggers a suicide in my brother. Secondly RESOURCES real or percieved are key anchors for those contemplating suicide, and combined with a temporary deficit in problem solving skills, a perceived LACK of resources (such as being shunned by ones only friends and religion) contribute IMMEASURABLY to Completed Suicides.
Finally You Know (NOT) while it's hard to gather the statistics because generally RELIGION is not one of the tidbits collected, anecdotal evidence suggests that Suicide is higher in the JW population as compared to the public at large. Right now the general population stands at about 11 per 100,000.
Edited by - Yerusalyim on 15 June 2002 20:7:51
Edited by - Yerusalyim on 15 June 2002 20:34:21