Thankfully, thanks to You Know and others like him, less and less people will get entangled with the Watchtower organization and those who do will not let it become as overpowering a part of their lives.
by Sabine 129 Replies latest social current
Thankfully, thanks to You Know and others like him, less and less people will get entangled with the Watchtower organization and those who do will not let it become as overpowering a part of their lives.
((((((Sabine and Mak)))))))
My heart hurts as I read this. It hurts over what this man's mother must be going through. It hurts that all of this reminds you of the loss of your daughter. I truly wish I could make things better for you. I would. I truly would.
I've been on both sides of the situation. I've lost loved ones to suicide and I've attempted suicide twice in my life. Whenever I was suicidal, it was never a vindictive "you'll see once I'm gone" motive. It was always motivated out of pain. I just knew my heart hurt and didn't know of anyway to stop the pain except death. The more prayer/field service/personal studying did NOT do the trick. Death truly seemed the only way to make things better. I actually felt that my family/friends were better off without me. That my death might make them hurt temporarily, but in the long run, they'd be thankful I was gone. That one day they'd realize we were all better off with me dead. I didn't want to continue being the emotional burdensome family member.
I can't say that's what your daughter was experiencing or thinking. But many that commit/attempt to commit suicide just don't have some of the necessary coping skills for Life. I was one of them. The WTS does not teach one how to cope with Life in this world. It teaches how NOT to survive. Most JWs are NOT prepared for the heartache Life has to offer. That's why I believe the alcoholic rate and suicide rate amongst JWs is probably higher than other religions.
I'm so terribly sorry you are going through this. I truly believe out of every evil, comes good. I know it's no consolation, but perhaps your experience can help this mother cope with her heartache? Would things have been easier for you if someone else had helped you through your daughter's death? I don't have any wise words of comfort of advice, but I do know I heal quicker if I'm helping someone else through their issues. Especially if it hits close to home, like this does with you. Just a thought...
PLEASE know I'm always here to listen, comfort, hug, cry or pray with. You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Sabine, what horrible news....and how traumatic for you, also. It's also amazing (but not surprising) that the "good" JWs would dismiss him simply because he was disfellowshipped. Never in their tiny, little minds could they conceive of the fact that his suicide was directly related to the shunning he was experiencing through their "loving provision"
My dilema now is that I want to speak to this man's mother.
I think that you should speak to her. Most likely, none of her "brothers" and "sisters" in the "truth" will even acknowledge her pain....after all, her son was a non-entity to them. I'm sure that she would appreciate some caring words and sympathy.
Sabine, I share your anger at the pointless loss of life and heartless tactics that isolate people from society and their families when they need help the most.My heart also goes out to all that are left with the void from a soul lost. I have a 13 yr old son that was being raised (stolen) by a JW father. He is now talking suicide because life is too over bearing and pointless. In hismind "he will never be good enough and everyone is going to die anyway". I got him into therapy and his father intends to "take him back". I fear that my son will become the next victim of this cult. Does anyone know where I can find statistics or articles on the children lost to suicide in this religion. I need to smack a judge or two in the head with it! I fear that I will be the next parent Sabine reaches out to.
This suicide and Sabine's daughter's death are heartbreaking events.
I wish a light could be shined on the Organizations involvement in these deaths. Maybe the families would not want to speak to the press, but at least they should have the option of doing so. I sent a brief email to the Woodinville Weekly inquiring about the possibility of doing a story. I'm sure it is a small newspaper. Here are a list of others.
Edited by - nanoprobe on 23 June 2002 12:26:8
Regarding suicide statistics in the WTS. The statistical results will be somewhat lower than the rest of the population because many suicides occur in the one who have been DFd, no longer counted in WTS statistics. More telling would be the rate of suicides amongst those who have been DFd.
Disfellowshipping/shunning, according to WT theology, is supposed to encourage the sinner to repent. WT needs to get their heads out of the sand and see that it does not accomplish this. JWs do not develop normal emotional responses....the guilt and worthlessness are drummed into rank and file so much that when they make a mistake the emotions are too great to handle.
My heart goes out to all who suffer from depression and overwhelming feelings of worthlessness. To those who have never been there, you don't want to go there. It's not an easy place to escape. But do try to have some compassion..."life is a journey, not a destination." Wouldn't it be better if we could help each other along the way?
Mrs R
Hello Mrs. Rocky,
What good points! Just the other day - I was told by a young jw that "disfellowshipping is a help"......and that's been the official line for as long as I've been a jw - 30 yerars. Of course, it "helps" - to emotionally blackmail the df'd person back into the "fold."
My husband was talking with a df'd man he's known for decades - the man still plans on going back - and this is the second df'ing. He's lonely as he's not made any "worldly" friends - because he knows that they won't help him back into The Truth. So, for over a decade now........he's just alone.
Of course, he knows that this is what he should do.......his mother keeps telling him so.
Where is the news story on this? I've been everywhere looking for something. Yet, nothing. Why?
I'm supposing I'll have to call Woodinville news press to find out WHO COVERED THIS NEWS ITEM.
I can't recall suicides being covered in the news, unless they suspect a crime. When Mak and Sabine's daughter committed suicide, it NEVER hit the news. I think the media is very sensitive to the families of suicide victims.
It's very rare for the media to report on a suidcide unless it's a celebrity.