Sometimes I Am Ashamed

by Dutchie 205 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca


    We all know the answer to that, but that doesn't mean that she can't give an opinion on the subject, or try to give reasons for her stand on morality.

    Sometimes it seems on this board that only those expressing a certain level of morals are accepted as "normal", whereas anyone who holds to a different level of morals are considered "prudes".

    I ain't no prude, but I do hold to a certain moral code.

  • HomebutHiding

    My PC illiteracy saves me....I don't have the slightest idea how to post a picture, even if I were so inclined. I am a newbie, and for what it's worth, I left the JWs recently, and I DID come here to commiserate, and to get support. As you all know, leaving by any route is life-altering. But, I pick and choose the threads I read and post to. If I (or anyone) chooses to...or not to...look at nude pics, there is no body controlling my choices anymore. All of us are free to look, or not look. Isn't THAT the whole point? I have been reading posts for only a few days, and I was learning much from I&Ps insightful, intelligent contributions. Life will go on without the input, but I, for one, was benefitting.

  • Amazing

    Hi Dutchie: I agree with your basic sentiments and like many here, have asked similar questions and expressed similar thoughts in the past.

    With respect to sexuality and sensuality, many religions repress these normally healthy features of humanity by using fear of lust, sin, wickedness, immorality, disease, Satan's influence, etc. Learning to enjoy sex and sensuality as one of many great aspects of being human takes time and maturity ... and when we have a religion interfere with this process for 10, 20, 30 or more years ... it takes more time, for some, to unlearn these false ideas, and relearn good and healthy expressions.

    Discussing Sex on JWD: I think that some of this needs to be openly discussed. The most brilliant post I have every seen was made by Farkel on H20 regarding an old WTS article on masturbation. IN his extremely talented humorous style, Farkel demolished the WTS view and exposed their idiocy, and in the process helped a lot of viewers to take another look at sexuality.

    Generational Mix is part of the problem: When I was a younger man, pre-JW days, I could engaged in Locker Room talk the same as any guy. I assume that girls have an equivalent of this. When we get older, we do not lose interest in sex, for that is about the last ting to go before we die. But we do learn that there is a time and place for everything. On an open forum like this, we have a broad variety of cultures, ages, and maturity levels ... some much more sensitive than others. It is this mix that clashes and makes it seem that some ex-JWs have gone bonkers with sex ... and some have ... but most of it is just the large mix of people.

    Any Solution?: None, short of legalisticly detailed Forum Policies and heavy Moderation some other Fourms used to have. While it is disturbing to see some of the trash (Locker Room material) that gets posted ... the Forum for the most part does very well ... and most seem to keep a good balance.

  • DakotaRed

    Who appointed Dutchie the moral conscience and arbiter of this board?

    Simple question; it should have a simple answer.

    Francios, No one, including Dutchie, appointed herself anytihng. For all the comments made about your freedoms to post what you wish, it seems odd that so many object to Dutchie posting what she felt. Is she not allowed to have her own personal feelings and to air them if she desires?

    Personally, although I have enjoyed many of your posts, I feel the above comment to be uncalled for. Dutchie has as much right to her feelings as any of the rest of us. We have the right to disagree or to agree and many have disagreed with her and some posts were dripping with unnecessary sarcasm directed at her.

    With that, I will repeat what another poster said and that is somrtimes there is too much discussion about rights and not enough abour reponsibilities. But, someone posting about something bathering them is not appointing themselves as any board moderator or attempting to infringe on anothers rights. It is simply discussing differing views.

  • Farkel

    Not to see naked boobs or tushies.

    Are pasties and g-strings ok?


    Edited by - Farkel on 16 June 2002 10:20:3

  • 144thousand_and_one


    Thanks for admitting that you were being judgmental. You certainly have the right to be judgmental, but if you say you aren't, then you should expect to hear some rebuttal. I was with you on your substance, just didn't like the accompanying attack on the morality of others that seemed to be somewhat behind your reasoning.

    Obviously, no one will agree on where the morality line ought to be placed, that's why we're lucky to have Simon to make that choice for us. From what I've seen, he's by no means been heavy-handed in this regard. Even if I were to disagree with him (which I don't), I would defer to and respect his judgment on these matters.

    BTW, Dutchie, I know you said no public disclosure of your photos, but how 'bout one via email just for me? LOL!

    Edited by - 144thousand_and_one on 16 June 2002 11:13:46

    Edited by - 144thousand_and_one on 16 June 2002 11:15:1

  • Undecided

    Interesting points made by all. I try to not be offended by the off color remarks, as the expression goes. As to driving away new lurkers, I don't know what the effect would be. Many JWs are probably putting up a good front for the Borg but really would like to be able to express their true feelings some where like this board. I don't like a lot of sexual bawdiness, coarseness, dirtiness, filthiness, foulness, lewdness, obscenity, profaneness, profanity, scurrility, scurrilousness, smuttiness, vulgarity, vulgarness, but this is usually in the eyes of the beholder. I usually read it and laugh anyway, knowing that it is done by most as a way of having a little fun. Get someone a little "high" and they will usually show their true colors and tolerate a little more of this type of stuff.

    My wife would be a little offended by some of the comments here, but she doesn't visit here.(Never been a JW)

    I enjoy seeing the different personalities here and usually there is a sense of careing that comes through, although sometimes there are hurt feelings and anger. That is just life as we know it.

    Enjoy your adventure here as I do and you will learn alot of usefull infomation along with a lot of fluff.(Something of little substance or consequence.)

    Ken P.

  • Naeblis

    It's also quite amusing to me that several of these people with the "strong moral code" aren't shy about admitting they looked at every page in this thread (maybe twice) Just to clarify... do you have a weak moral code if you...

    A) Post a naked picture

    B) Don't post a picture but look at other naked pictures

    C) Post a naked picture, but don't look at other naked pictures

    D) Don't post a naked picture of yourself, but post pictures of people you know

    E) All of the above

    Thanks. As someone without a moral compass, I sometimes get lost in the forest of debauchery.

    Edited by - Naeblis on 16 June 2002 12:34:32

  • blondie

    Are pasties and g-strings ok?
    by Farkel

    Only if you wear them.

  • Xander
    do you have a weak moral code if you

    Thanks, that was exactly the point I was trying to make. Nothing immoral happened or was going to happen. Unless you define 'moral' more strictly than modern society does. But, whose fault is that, then?

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