Sometimes I Am Ashamed

by Dutchie 205 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marilyn

    ::::::::Our 'standards' have a way of leaping up and savaging our rear end as we get a little older.

    Hillary, An example of this is that we allowed our daughter's boy friend to stay over night regularly (both over 21) - us being modern 'new age' parents an all. Two years down the track they break up and she is devistated. Seems he got fed up with her not coming across enough. She was final year medicine and working her buns off at the hospital and when she wasn't studying till all hours he was wanting his non-marital due. In retrospect I wish we'd acted like parents from the Bible belt USA!!!!

    I have done a full about face on this issue - and it's not about morality it's about practicality. Live and learn!


  • Naeblis

    Of that I always agreed. I said before that if simon closed it cause he thought it was inappropriate or hell.. even cause he just wanted to that would have been fine from me. But to come in after its all done and spank us (hmmm) like children cause we're morally empty is just pathetic in my point of view. As far as we knew Simon was allowing it. He even posted in the thread. Was it "moral" then? After he closed it I was fine. I didn't post pretentious rebellion threads to show SImon my disapproval. The only thing that went "too far" is the outrage after it was done. From both sides. ANd now im really done with this debate (see you in 4 posts)

    Hillary: Why what? Why do I defend my point of view?? Umm.. why not?

    Edited by - Naeblis on 16 June 2002 1:18:26

  • beckyboop


    What topic have I avoided?


    You are judging people's morality because of their nakedness! Sorry, but I think that's wrong. Their are much worse things in the world to think about other than naked pics. If we really were created in God's image as the bible claims, why would that be "perverted pleasure" then to view the naked body?

    While you may not feel inclined to share pics of your body, some do. I do not feel like it's right of you to call into account their MORALITY because you do not have the same view of YOUR body. And I'll say it again, if Simon didn't want it there, he would have deleted it long before then, and he shouldn't have expressed his pleasure at the pics if he disagreed with the original post.


  • Dutchie

    Becky, I respect your opinion.

  • Marilyn

    :::::::::You are judging people's morality because of their nakedness! Sorry, but I think that's wrong. Their are much worse things in the world to think about other than naked pics. If we really were created in God's image as the bible claims, why would that be "perverted pleasure" then to view the naked body?

    Becky, Isn't the real point of Dutchie's post what WT lurkers might think when they see naked pictures posted on here? If they've summoned up the courage to have a quick look see at a site like this and they click on the post with the bare bums, one imagines that they will leave very quickly, with their low opinions of apostates, thoroughly intact. Do we care about that? Seriously? Do we care? I think that question is all important. It's easy to say we don't care and I find it hard to care after all I've been subjected to from the WTS. But the reality is that if we met someone who had been willing to read information about the WTS and they were turned off before they begun, I know I'd feel really sad about it.


  • Naeblis

    And I've commented on what lurkers would think of our converrsations on the goodness of witchcraft Marylin. Do you not think witnesses would be MORE turned off by something worthy of death in the bible? Maybe you can answer. Dutchie won't.

  • joeshmoe

    Dutchie, I just wanted to say before I split... What a great thread this is!

    I know you've been a little 'worn out by it', but I'm glad you felt strongly enough to post it! I think it's wonderful that you're that moved by your concern for others (and your own conscience).

    And I'm glad others (Naeb especially) have been moved to defend their personal freedom.

    THIS IS WHY I LEFT THE BORG!! Who wants to live in a world where we all agree? And yet, that's just what I thought I wanted!

    Oh well, time to go nighty-night.

    Thanks again Dutchie. You're a good hearted, gutsy chick!

  • Xander
    the pics were becoming increasingly explicit

    As I maintained in another thread....

    Nothing in that thread would require above a PG-13 in a movie. That means, with parental consent, ANYBODY of ANY AGE can view it.

    Also, more cut and paste:

    May I direct your attention to one of the very first pics posted?

    And, after 47 pages of posts, we had progressed all the way to:

    WHOAH....we have degraded so far. I can easily see how you'd assume it would just keep getting worse.

  • Xander
    If they've summoned up the courage to have a quick look see at a site like this and they click on the post with the bare bums

    Okay, quick dispelling of a rumor here...

    If I was a teenage JW surfing the net (that's about the only JWs surfing the net, so...) and found this forum, and clicked on that thread...would I be driven away? No, I'd be all like "Hell, these are normal, fun people. They don't seem evil at all - they are just having a blast".

    Honestly, visiting this site as a JW, all the hardcore anti-witness sentiment is what kept driving me away. All the "UN and WTBTS" threads. And the "JWs Protect Pedophiles". I didn't even open the threads - so the headers, was scared off.

    What we need is MORE threads like this one - to steal a phrase "to act as a good witness". Show the JWs we are not evil, mad, foaming-at-the-mouth apostates. But just, normal, human beings having a good time together.

  • Marilyn

    P><FONT color=#333333 size=2>Naeblis, yes I thought that was a good question. I got side tracked from answering it. ; We usually discuss witchcraft ; & all the things you mentioned in a reasonably academic way. ; Demonism etc usually gets some excellent responses. ; ; In that context I tend to think a Witness can appreciate our willingness to discuss all aspects of all subjects. ; If we were discussing the validity of morals, again I think that is something they could understand. ; I believe the 'in your face' stuff is teh problem. </FONT></P>
    <P><FONT color=#333333>Not long ago Farkel, whom I admire greatly, posted a thank you to all who helped him in his time of need. ; He included some comments about wanting a blow job from someone who had offered help. ; ; I wish he could have left it out. ;For the reason of offending dub lurkers. ; I have nothing against oral sex. I just wonder how much damage these comments do. ; Besides, if you are a female, it doesn't need to be said that a guy wants a blow job. ; It's common knowledge that it's all you live for. <IMG class=smilie src="/images/smilies/smile.gif"></FONT></P>
    <P><FONT color=#333333>Marilyn</FONT></P>

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