Hi Sirona:
Your post was interesting. You point out many problems with JWs in general, yet still indicate that JWs (e.g. yourself) are privvy to the secrets of the prophyseys and that this is simply a refining process. That is a completely ridiculous claim. It is a cloak behind which you hide all the innacuracies and lies of the WBTS, saying that those who are faithful will stay true to Jehovah despite it all. Well, all they know of Jehovah has been spoon fed to them by the WBTS so their faith is based on this tainted organisation's interpretation of the bible.
Continuing on that insightful point that you make, I see the terrible error in YK's SPECIOUS doctrine is revealed in his lack of knowledge of prophecy which he claims to believe in. Here is an example.
Briefly, those of us who post to him regularly, can no doubt remember YK firmly believes in Bible prophecy as it applies to Jehovah's Witnesses specifically as a nation. One such prophecy he admits to believing in is Ezekiel 20:35-38. He believes this prophecy specifically applies to Jehovah's Witnesses. A prophecy that upon close examination shows an obvious close correlation to the contents of Revelation 12th chapter. These events YK believes is speaking of the FUTURE, events that lay before us. Specifically the mention of the "woman" being "chased" to the wilderness" as being "Israel". YK can point to Jeremiah 30:17 to back this thought up.
But here is the real problem with that thought. You see, YK claims that among JWs there exists the spiritual "remnant", the anointed footstep followers of Jesus, who exist in an "EVERLASTING COVENANT" with Christ. Hebrews 13:20 shows it to be an "everlasting covenant", based upon the blood of Jesus. This is the "covenant" YK believes he is personally in, and the one that makes some 8,000 or so JW members, the anointed "Spiritual Israel" of God of our day. They are thus, the true "Household of God" he believes. But this very reasoning itself, is the fatal flaw in his argument, totally within itself. All we have to do is analyze the data. And the key text is Ezekiel 20:35-38.
You see, when we closely examine Ezekiel 20:35-38, it shows "Israel" of Bible prophecy is to receive ANOTHER covenant from God AFTER they are sent to the "wilderness of the people!" Now this is AFTER God disciplines them, and they repentantly accept the discipline from God. This proves they are God's sons. (Hebrews 12:5-11) Afterwhich God gives them an ultimatum -- come under God's "rod" and accept a pernanent "bond" from Him in the form of a new "covenant" arrangement.
Yipes! So what happened to the first covenant Israel had? The "Christian Covenant"? YK simply has no answer for that question. He is mute.
In fact, the prophecy reveals Israel will not be allowed to even return to their "hereditary possession" and receive God's favor UNTIL they accept this new "covenant" arrangement from God. They must come under the "rod of God" to be reowned by Him and "bonded" to Him again, as before the initial transgression period. (Leviticus 27:32 NIV; Jeremiah 33:13) So, Israel must accept a new "covenant" arrangement AFTER they are disciplined in the "wilderness of the peoples" by the Almighty. Additionally, Jeremiah 50:4,5 shows this new covenant arrangement to be an "indefinitely lasting covenant that will not be forgotten".
Ezekiel 20:35-38 reveals all of this. Below is a quote of the verses in question.
"And I will bring you [Israel] into the wilderness of the peoples and put myself on judgment with you there face to face. Just as I put myself on judgment with your forefathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I shall put myself on judgment with you, is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. And I will make you pass under the rod and bring you into the bond of the covenant. And I will clean out from you the revolters and the transgressors against me, for out of the land of their alien residence I shall bring them forth, but onto the soil of Israel they will not come; and you people will have to know that I am Jehovah."
Above, Ezekiel 20:35-38 shows that ALL "revolters" and "transgressors" against God are "cleaned out", purged or rooted out from Israel. And what is left, are the ones that God chooses to deal with. Only what is left, a remnant are blessed by God. And these are the ones that Jehovah invites to "pass under his rod", and "bond" with Him in a new "covenant" arrangement. All "transgressors" are not permitted to go back to the "hereditary land" promised Israel. Evildoers cannot go back and do not receive any "covenant" from God. The only ones getting a new "covenant" arrangement is severely chastised, "re-bonded" Israel.
So based upon the above information and what YK believes and teaches, if Bible prophecy reveals that spiritual "Israel" of our day is to receive an "indefinitely lasting covenant that will never be forgotten" AFTER being punished by God in the "wilderness of the peoples", why are they receiving a new "covenant" arrangement. Why does God require it. We must then ask, what happened to the first covenant, the one they supposedly had with Jesus Christ, the one spoke of in Hebrews 13:20? Well, simply put, IT MUST BE GONE! Its gone, so far as Jehovah is concerned, anyway.
Now keep in mind, this does not even touch on the fact that the truly "anointed" of God of the first century, could not break the first covenant anyway, and receive another one. This would be impossible. The inspired writings of Paul and John show the reality that truly spirit-anointed individuals of the first century, had to prove faithful to the covenant of Jesus, because they had a "reproductive seed" within them that would keep them on track, always. So, if they should "fall away," Paul said they could not be "revived" ever again. They would have deliberately "grieved God's spirit" [the reproductive seed] to such an extent, that they had blasphemed it. (Eph. 4:30) This was the case of the truly anointed ones of the first century.
Therefore, based upon the above established facts, and Bible prophecy that YK's so much believes, there simply cannot be any of the truly anointed among JWs at all. And based upon what YK teaches, this is especially true of his claim to be a member of "spiritual Israel" fulfilling Bible prophecy today. And as we know, YK does claims he in fact one of the anointed spiritual "Israelites" on earth today. But the bible reveals that if the JW Organization were led by truly anointed ones, they would not under any circumstances be invited by God to receive another "everlasting covenant" by Him AFTER they had forfeited the first one by BAD CONDUCT and "transgression". Not under any circumstances would God do such a thing. (Romans 8:14; Hebrews 6:4-8; 13:20; 10:26-31; 1 John 3:9)
[A full discussion on the Anointed "error" of YK: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=30542&page=2&site=3#398563]
Edited by - bjc2012 on 26 June 2002 15:39:17
Edited by - bjc2012 on 26 June 2002 15:45:56
Edited by - bjc2012 on 26 June 2002 15:49:13