I see where Crawdad is coming from. Jesus said something about putting new wine in old wineskins, but his manner is quite...Crawdadish...for lack of a better word.
Are all Men Bad?
by IslandWoman 51 Replies latest jw friends
Well, I gotta say, I've had my run-in with bad men/boys...do tell, Farkel.
i disagree with most of you i guess............... i know that jws are just following their leaders........but because they follow their leaders:
1. they would kill their own children over a doctrine
2. kick their own children out into the street, because an elder told them to.
3. harbor child molesters, and laugh at victims and shun them, because the elder said there aren't 2 witnesses.
4. never speak to their own parents again, for the rest of their lives,........because a body of elders told them to.
5. lie to your face about anything at all,,,,,,,,,,, because it's in the interest of the organization.
you guys can make excuses all you want......... they are involved in a cult...........
crawdad, you keep generalizing which doesn't help your points at all.
2. kick their own children out into the street, because an elder told them to.
nope, didn't happen in my family, my mom and dad decided i was too important for them to follow the dictates of the elders when i da'd and still lived at home. unfortunately some people do decide to treat their children horribly but not all JWs. NOT ALL JWS do this!
some people in the jws are very follow the leader types and of course those types of jws are more inclined to just sit back and let someone else tell them how to live every single aspect of their life. other jws are a bit more open to outside ideas and use their own brains to make some of their decisions. and yes they are in a cult, you should feel sorry for them and not lump all of them together as BAD just because some are bad. black and white thinking will not get you very far. do you also assume all blacks are lazy because of the actions of a few? or that all irish are drunkards? or that all white people have everything handed to them? or all hispanics are illegal aliens? or that all americans are fat? or all muslims are fanatacial religious zealots?
You still don't get it do you Crawdad? All thjose thigns you mentioned are true.. to an extent. They are true for the people you have met. They are not true for ALL people, a distinction that you are apparantly unable or unwilling to make.
1. they would kill their own children over a doctrine
There is a father in Calgary that changed his mind and realized the insanity of the doctrine just a little while ago. Are you denying this?
2. kick their own children out into the street, because an elder told them to.
My mother did not kick me out in the street. In fact, after I stopped going to meetings, she took out a big loan to get me to college, and after circumstances left me without a place to stay for a few months, welcomed me home. I guess she doesn't fall into your simplistic cookie cutter philosophy either does she?
3. harbor child molesters, and laugh at victims and shun them, because the elder said there aren't 2 witnesses.
This may be true for some, but blanket statements are ridiculous and not accurate.
4. never speak to their own parents again, for the rest of their lives,........because a body of elders told them to.
Again.. true for some, not for others. I have experienced both sides of this coin.
5. lie to your face about anything at all,,,,,,,,,,, because it's in the interest of the organization.
Once again, perhaps true for some, definately not true for all
I'm not denying that some Witnesses, maybe even a great majority have doen horrible things to you. They've done horibble things to me too, but not ALL of them are the monsters that you want them to be. If you are unwilling to see this though what can I say? There doesn't seem to be much point in continuing this one way conversation with myself.
one thing you guys keep leaving out of your formula....................just like bees or ants......... cult members are programmed to do the will of the queen......the gov body............. you can make excuses all you want............ but the only jws who go against the teachings of the gov body are ones who will shortly be kicked out.
i give up
peaceloveharmony, this is a wise decision indeed...
All things in this horrible world depend in the individual.
The Organization of JWs is bad. Many people in that rat's nest are not.
Defending individuals who may be innocent in one thing, defending a corrupt org. is another.
You need to CALM DOWN. Don't let the WT hurt you further by letting them make you into an insanely bitter, hurtful person, always accusing. Is that what you want out of life?
I hate the Watchtower, but I still do have people in the Witties that I want to help be happy. My sister is one of them.
I've been guilty of lumping all JWs into a group, but when I say the JWs, I mean those JWs who are evil and bad, and not all are bad. But you know what kind of assholes I'm talking about.
Example: my sister is misguided, not evil. Some of the Witties are good and can be reasoned with. Others don't care either way, and want to hurt or control as many people as they can, and the WT doctrines on abuse, family life and blood doesn't help these controlling people to change into a kind soul.
You need to separate the Watchtower from the individual, and if you must judge, do so person to person, not by the title.
ashi, .......i never said they were all bad,........... i keep saying they are controlled......... they are programmed to obey the leadership..... ......... jim jones got his group to drink the poison koolaid.......they weren't bad either.......... they were just programmed to obey........