Are all Men Bad?

by IslandWoman 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • crawdad2

    ya, your right naeblis............i notice whats not there......... thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!,,,,,,, island woman doesn't have any "pull".......yet she claims to!!!!!!!!!............island woman sure has expert side-stepping.......and "claims" of power, though ........

  • Naeblis

    First of all, you're welcome. Second of all, I don't know what these secondary issues you are bringing up have anything to do with this thread. She brought up a point that in my mind is correct. You on the other hand came on this thread and instead of explaining why you don't agree with her, accused her of being some sort of Watchtower double agent seeking to convert apostates. You remind me of an older poster here called Anewperson, who when confronted with someone who did not agree with him/her absolutely, labeled them a Watchtower troll. Do you disagree with Island Woman's main point that good men and women exist in the Watchtower? If you do not, can you please explain why? Anything else from you on this thread is a bit pointless is it not?

    And thank you HS.

  • crawdad2

    naebliss................. she mentions.."fix things"............. maybe you think you can fix the cult too!!!!!........... yes, stay in and don't complain.......try to "fix" it............. fix a cult that claims to be god's mouthpiece.

  • Francois

    Dawn, the same thing can be said of Hitler: he wasn't bad, he was just wrong.

    I'm afraid your simplistic evaluation doesn't hold much water IMHO.


  • Naeblis

    You didn't answer my question crawdad. What are you trying to hide? Perhaps you are a watchtower troll yourself.... It would be the perfect cover. Who would suspect you? So she mentioned fixing things so that means that she is trying to get people to rejoin? Are you usually so simplistic?

  • HomebutHiding

    I am obviously out of rythym with the rest of the posters. When I log on, I have to play catch up. I dislike words like "good," and "bad." They have too much power and say too many things. Men, as well as women, are a number of thinbgs all at once. We are human. We have this annoying need to label everyone...everything. Once we do that, we are wrong. End of story

  • HomebutHiding

    Uhhh...rhythm...oops. I need a typing course, desparately. And spellcheck...I am crippled without it. HbH.

  • Flowerpetal

    Dawn, your father was a good man. Sorry you lost him. :(

  • crawdad2

    yes naeblis,..............yes, i'm usually so simplistic......... you 2 can go ahead and try to "fix" the watchtower cult................ which part would you like to "fix" first?.......... the part where posters on this board speak the truth about the cult?......... hmmmm......... yes, that would be logical.........

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    i read a lot of people's posts here saying that when they were witnesses, they looked down on other people who were not in 'the truth'. it's a funny thing, but i never did. i always looked down on myself, for being a witness and wearing long dresses and no makeup and everything - i always thought i was the weird one and they were the cool ones... one thing i noticed about my sister and niece is a prevalent smugness - as if they are in jehovah's exclusive inner circle and nah-nah they can't wait for him to smite everyone and they can say 'i told you so'...

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