by QUANTUM 109 Replies latest jw friends


    neonmadman....one of the problems is you board name

    the other one is no one is asking specific questions...they are either calling names or asking such broad questions it would take an encyclopidia to answer.

    Where are the RUINS? this question I cant' understand if you have any Knowledge at all about the Book Of Mormon. Although no one Knows the exact place of the BOM civilizations... when Joseph Smith translated and Published the book he nor anyone else were aware of the extent of the ruins in mexico, central and south america. It is now believed that the BOM took place in Mezoamerica Where the lasr peoples there were the MAYAN.....the fact he published a bok which contained statements which he had no personal Knowledge of but have proved over time to be exactly true is another evidence of his prphetic calling!


  • hillary_step

    Come back 'You Know' all is forgiven......


  • NeonMadman

    neonmadman....one of the problems is you board name

    Hey, let's not get personal here... What's wrong with my board name? A lot of people have told me they think it's pretty cool.

    no one is asking specific questions...they are either calling names or asking such broad questions it would take an encyclopidia to answer.

    I have seen a lot of specific questions and arguments, that you have failed to respond to. I asked about the locations of the alleged Hebrew settlements way back almost at the beginning of the thread, and you never responded till just now. There are pages of evidence against Mormonism that were posted earlier in this thread. I haven't seen you respond to any of it. Then you declare yourself "undefeated". It's easy to be undefeated if you never step into the ring.

    Additionally, you seem to have this idea that people should be coming up with specific questions for you to answer. As I said before, we aren't here to discuss Mormonism (though many of us may not be particularly adverse to discussing it, either, along with a variety of other topics). If you want to come here and thrust your ideas upon us, then you can't expect to do it by sitting back and waiting for us to ask questions that you can field. You need to state your case thoroughly and in a positive way. Then, if some of us have questions about what you have said, we will ask them.

    Where are the RUINS? this question I cant' understand if you have any Knowledge at all about the Book Of Mormon. Although no one Knows the exact place of the BOM civilizations... when Joseph Smith translated and Published the book he nor anyone else were aware of the extent of the ruins in mexico, central and south america. It is now believed that the BOM took place in Mezoamerica Where the lasr peoples there were the MAYAN.

    I don't profess to be an expert on the Book of Mormon, though I did do some study of it some years back that revealed a lot of flaws and contradictions. But I do know that no one has ever found a single site where the many events in the BOM are supposed to have taken place, and it does strike me as more than passing odd that all those Hebrews could have lived in America for hundreds of years without leaving any physical evidence whatsoever. Are you saying that the Mayans were their descendants? If so, you're going to have a tough row to hoe trying to prove that the Mayans were of Semitic ancestry. And, remember, as you make these assertions, the burden of proof is squarely upon your shoulders, not ours.

  • pseudoxristos

    We are gonna be needin some PLATES for this Bull S**t your tryin to feed us.

    Now where are them PLATES?

    WE WANT PLATES!!!!!!!

    WE WANT PLATES!!!!!!!

    WE WANT PLATES!!!!!!!

    WE WANT PLATES!!!!!!!


  • Englishman

    Anyone remember THE MANACLED MORMON?

    This is the only real reference that I can find now, mixed up with some news of a sex manual:

    Mormons discover the joy of sex, but only with a spouse

    By JAMES LANGTON in New York

    The staid reputation of the deeply conservative Mormon Church has been shaken by the publication of a best-selling sex manual.

    Thousands of copies of the guide have been flying off shelves at bookshops in the church's heartland of Utah and Salt Lake City. After selling out twice in a month, a third edition has been published.

    The guide is so popular it has edged out the latest book from church President, Gordon Hinckley - normally a guaranteed chart topper. Its only other rival is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

    Modestly titled Between Husband and Wife (polygamy is no longer permitted), the book gives advice on maintaining a fulfilling sex life, examines sexual problems and even recommends Viagra for impotence.

    While avoiding the graphic illustrations and anatomical descriptions used in classic manuals like Alex Comfort's Joy of Sex, the book is a frank attempt to address the sexual problems of members of the Church of Latter-day Saints, as Mormons are more properly known.

    The authors, Douglas Brinley, a professor of church history at Brigham Young University, and Stephen Lamb, a local doctor, write: "Church members are searching for answers to questions about sexual matters."

    Church leaders have been concerned by the divorce rate within the LDS, which, although small compared with the rest of the population, has been increasing.

    Mormons prohibit sex before marriage.The church's most notorious sex-related case was Joyce McKinney, a Wyoming beauty queen who, in 1978, was accused of kidnapping a 21-year-old Mormon missionary and shackling him to a bed in an attempt to become pregnant.

    Her trial revealed the existence of a previously unknown garment - Mormon chastity underwear - that helped to preserve the young missionary's virtue.

    At the other extreme is the Osmond family, an image of Mormon fecundity whose members include the singers Donny and Marie, as well as Little Jimmy who now has a family of his own.

    The church claims to be the fastest-growing in the world, with 10 million members.

    The book, subtitled Gospel Perspectives on Marital Intimacy, uses quotes from Mormon teachings along with descriptions of the human body and general advice on marital and sexual harmony.

    It expandeds on existing Mormon literature that tells couples they should: "Understand that sexual relations within marriage are divinely approved not only for the purpose of procreation, but also as a means of expressing love and strengthening emotional and spiritual bonds between husband and wife."

    After an initial print of 6,000 disappeared within days, the publishers, Covenant Books, added a second run of 20,000 and when that sold out last month, doubled it again. The book is available through the Internet bookseller Amazon and has made the top ten of American spiritual best sellers.

    One reader reflected that she: "Wished I had read the book before I got married." Another woman said she had spent six months in counseling with her husband but solved the couple's problems almost overnight after buying a copy and making him read it to her.

    Professor Brinley and Dr Lamb say they want Mormon couples to lose any guilty feelings they might have about sex, while accepting that many church members may be inexperienced in such matters when they get married.

    They caution, however, that the book will prove a disappointment for those readers seeking the sensational. "The book is not a sex manual or a "how to' book," says Professor Brinley.

    "There are no pictures or diagrams. The premise for the book is that your spouse is your best sex manual."

    The Sunday Telegraph

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  • deddaisy

    "The church's most notorious sex-related case was Joyce McKinney, a Wyoming beauty queen who, in 1978, was accused of kidnapping a 21-year-old Mormon missionary and shackling him to a bed in an attempt to become pregnant."

    She must have been one strong beauty queen to kidnap and shackle a 21- year-old man to a bed! and this guy actually pressed charges?

  • Crazy151drinker


    "was of their converts are in third world countries...why is that?...because educated intellegent people see right through their smoke screen. "

    Thats funny, it was my understanding that MORMONS also go to 3RD WORLD countries in order to convert people. In fact a good friend of mine just got back from his 2 YEAR MISSION IN CHILE. So PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH !!!

    We are STill waiting for those plates! Cant find them??? How about some evidence that any of the kindoms in the book of mormon ever existed. YOU say that only 20% of biblical locations have been found. How many Mormon locations have been found? 0%!!! They dont exist! Why arnt the Mormons looking for them?? Why isnt anyone looking for them??? BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW THEY DONT EXIST!

    JESUS appeared to MANY PEOPLE in Bibial times, when he was alive and when he had risen. why is it that when JESUS 'came to America' he only appeared to Joseph Smith?? Who was a drunk theif!

    Please also lecture us on how we were all angels 'we just have wool over our eyes', how we can all be gods and create our own worlds, and how black's bear the mark of CAIN. You must think your some Angel General!

    I have read your book of mormon and it is all bullshit. Please tell us some bullshit stories about kings and kingdoms that never existed. Tell us about Amos and chopping the arms of the kings guards! Funny how the American Indians have been here for thousands of years and they have never heard of your bullshit 'Kingdoms'. Funny isnt it! Please back up you views without using the book of lies mormon becuase it is bullshit and we dont buy it.

    Quantum you are a fool. NO PLATES. NO KINGDOMS. NOTHING. WAKE UP!

  • expatbrit

    The plates were given to the six guys on the moon for safekeeping. What? There are no guys on the moon? Of course not! They left for the planet Kolob ages ago. But not before destroying all evidence of the Hebrew civilization in North America. This is so Moroni can tell who has real faith you see. And it's all absolutely verifiable!

    Expatbrit (who wants to be my next wife?)

  • Crazy151drinker

    "It is now believed that the BOM took place in Mezoamerica Where the lasr peoples there were the MAYAN.....the fact he published a bok which contained statements which he had no personal Knowledge of but have proved over time to be exactly true is another evidence of his prphetic calling!"

    Mabye you should go there and look for your plates! So now you are saying that JESUS came to the MAYANS????????? What about the INCAS????? We all know that JESUS loved human Sacrafice!!! But hey thats a great defense- since they arnt around any more to tell you your full of shit.

    Funny how the MAYANS worships many gods not one GOD. But then again YOUR an ANGEL who will become a God! Didnt SATAN try that routine?????

    Edited by - crazy151drinker on 12 July 2002 18:6:31

    Edited by - crazy151drinker on 12 July 2002 18:19:45

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    We want plates!!!

    LOL. Gee I hate to spoil everyones Morman bashing, (it's sooo fun knocking anothers religon), but where are the original scrolls the Bible scriptures were written on? Do they exist? All I've ever heard is trasnlations made from copies.

    Quantum: I feel for ya kid, but ya kind of opened yourself up.

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