Striking another human is violent, regardless of how it is choose to characterize it. And yes, it is my opinion that it is bad conduct, but it is also my opinion that those who choose to judge other parents using
by their own standards on this issue are also engaging in bad conduct. Experience taught me that parenting is hard work, and that I shouldn't judge others solely because they deal with parenting in a manner that differs from me. Larc's stated responses to misconduct in his house are certainly reasonable, and I don't think any less of him because he did what he did.
Every kid is unique, and as Larc points out, what works on one may not work on another. Hence I believe that parents ought to be given latitude, within reasonable limits, on the subject of discipline. Just as it is wrong for me to judge Larc as being a bad parent for using physical discipline, it is also wrong for others here to criticize parents who choose a non-violent approach to discipline.
I hope this clarifies my opinion on this issue.
Editing: Additions are underlined, deletions are struck through. Edited to remove the erroneous and unintended appearance of a personal attack, and to add clarity.
Edited by - 144001 on 21 August 2002 20:8:31