Should the boyfriend sleep over??

by Beck_Melbourne 57 Replies latest social family

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Beck. Couple of points...

    a) The picture of your 11 year old, I thought that was the 17 yeare old!!

    and in conclusion...a gag. Beck, oh, sorry, I thought you were talking about your DAUGHTERS boyfriend. Not YOURS. (who is the bastard)

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Some confusion it seems. I have 2 daughters, one is soon to be 17. She is the one who has a boyfriend. She is not in the photograph above. My other daughter is 11, she has no boyfriend, although she dreams of a boy named Beau...but again, not the daughter I initially was talking about with the boyfriend.

    As for my boyfriend...he only stays over when Andy is working nights


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Beck, couple of points.

    a) Im not confused at all.The pic is of your 11 year old and the 17 year old is not the girl in the pic.

    b) ...umm.....there is no point "b"..... >>>>> (runs away in terror of Beck)

  • Prisca


    Your 11 year old is gorgeous !! I think it's just as well as you get this issue sorted out ASAP, cos it wont be long before Daughter No.2 will be dating!!!

    What you have in mind is pretty reasonable. It's your house, so you have the right to put down your boundaries, and expect your children to abide by them. Sitting down with both your daughter and her b/friend might be a bit uncomfortable for them, just keep this in mind. Thing is, they are probably already having sex, even if they deny it. Just remember what it was like when YOU were a teenager!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Just remember what it was like when YOU were a teenager!

    Well if that be the case then they are definitely NOT having sex. They just think about it 18 hours a day. (Well thats how it was when I was a teenager)

  • Beck_Melbourne


    Just remember what it was like when YOU were a teenager!

    Yes, I did that...that is why I am in this dilemma! I certainly don't want MY daughter climbing out of her bedroom window sneaking out to meet the worldy boyfriend behind the bike sheds at the school grounds, just so they! LOL

    Beck *wondering what become of Neil Martin*

  • Beck_Melbourne

    They just think about it 18 hours a day

    ......and now?? LOL

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    behind the bike sheds at the school grounds

    Prisca, thats another classic place for sureptitious activity, I forgot that one. Of course, only a certain TYPE of girl meets a boy behind the bike sheds among all the coke bottles, dust and lollie wrappers......oh......sorry Beck..... I didnt see till just now that YOU used to go there to meet your boyfriend . (runs away again)

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    And now???

    Now I DO it 18 hours a day..

    Edited by - refiners fire on 3 September 2002 7:24:26

  • bigfloppydog

    Refiners has a good point here, they will do what they want anyway, but ground rules should be set, and also, what they do sets example for younger, kids are young and like little sponges, they soak up everything they see.

    This is a very difficult decision. Yes I went through all of this, yes I had girlfriends, and boyfriends stay in my home, you do live through this, I always thought I would rather have them here under my roof then elsewhere. I wasn't comfortable at first about this. This is so hard, because sometimes young ones being young tend to go from one relationship to another, to find that person who they eventually want to be with the rest of their lives, and sometimes, not always they seem to bring home all of their potential mates.Then you could end up having many boyfriends/girlfriends staying in your home. We sometimes think the first boy/girl they go out with is THE ONE, but doesn't always work that way. I believe birth control and condoms are a must, but I believe it takes at least 3 months for birthcontrol to work, that is what we were told by doctor. Takes awhile for it to go through your system. Then when all is said and done, you go through it with your next child, if you let one do it then the others expect they also can do it. JUST FOOD FOR THOUGHT, the decision really must be yours, it is your home. Yes we must remember what it is like when we were teenagers, and times have changed through-out the years.

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