Should the boyfriend sleep over??

by Beck_Melbourne 57 Replies latest social family

  • Beck_Melbourne
    why do you think the men here are more likely to say no, than the women?

    I don't know are making me this a trick question? I feel like I'm on 'Who wants to be a millionaire' with no prize *dabs forehead*

    It could be because only us women were 'daughters' once upon a time and so we can relate. On the other hand...all the Dad's were never 'daughters'...but some/most have been 'boyfriends'...ooohhhhh the penny just dropped. Yes...probably because the men here don't want some young dirty boy putting his dirty thing near his beloved daughter. Got it! LOL

    Was I close? That's my daughter's father's reasoning. I don't know if it applies to every father...I'm just making an assumption. Anyone else? larc?



    Hey Beck,boyfriends come and go.Until you see Mr.Right for your little girl,don`t let boyfriends in the door..When you do,make sure you let him know you might eat him..Works for me..LOL...OUTLAW

  • teenyuck

    Since I have remained silent...

    Upon reading the question, my initial reaction is NOOOOO!!!

    After reflecting on it and thinking about it, my reaction is NOOOOO!!!

    Why does a boy of 17 or 18 want to "sleep over?" Why can he not go home? Why does your daughter want a boyfriend to "sleep over?" Frankly, I never knew a girl who would want a boy seeing them in the matter how beautiful, etc. No matter how mature a girl that age seems, they are still teenagers. They have little idea of the consequences of their actions.

    If she starts sleeping with him, how many men will she sleep with before she realizes that perhaps it was better to wait until she was more mature and did not have to "ask mom." She may blame you later for any negative feelings and tell you that you were supposed to set boundaries...that is your job as a parent.

    I believe that you are setting an example that your other children will demand. If you change your mind when they are growing up, they will resent it.

    Your husband's feeling's on this is critical. If he "just does not feel right" about it, I would nix it.

    Just my

    I am now ducking for cover and going out of town. Have a nice 4 days all. See you Monday!

  • larc

    Beck, I didn't mean to make you nervous. I only meant to have you think about the male psychology. I don't think that men think of a man's thing as a dirty thing, but we do think of it as an uncontrolable thing, at times. That, my dear is fact, and something you have to deal with.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Lots of good points here, and I appreciate each and every one of them.

    There are quite a few issues to consider, I am becoming increasingly aware of the complexity of each of them as each day goes by and as this thread grows.

    Thanks again for all the thoughts...I have a lot to think about. I really have enjoyed this thread, thanks everyone.


    ps...teenyuck, have a nice 4 day break

    larc...I didn't mean to call a man's thing a dirty thing, i was exaggerating slightly...just being silly...but I know what you are saying...and I am pondering on it, thanks.


    w o w---this is a loaded one..I have been celebate since my divorce 22 yrs daughter LISA watches me like a hawk SO she is celebate as well..SHE is picky beyond words..each situation I think is very individual sooo folks play it by ear--your final decision is yours alone to make on your own and NOBODYs business as you and your family will live with the final consequencences....QUEENIE

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Thank you QUEENIE...I do believe I shall 'play it by ear'...this is probably the best thing I can do at this stage, as I am not an expert on child development and behaviour etc...but I do value the imput from others who have been there, are heading there or who just don't wanna go there.

    Personally, I have scars from my teenage years (JW related) that I want to avoid repeating where my own children are concerned. In the meantime, I can only but play it by ear and keep the communication channels open. Thanks for your thoughts.


  • Francois

    I think you're attempting to control something over which you have absolutely no control whatsoever.

    If you don't want them getting a spot of heavy breathing in our home, you should be able to enforce that and expect total respect from both of them. But, especially if she's on the pill, and she's already told you she wouldn't get on the pill until she was ready to use it for its intended purposes, she and he WILL FIND A WAY. And there's nothing you can do about it but make yourself frustrated because you can't control the situation anymore.

    Humans, after all are, sexual animals. We are made that way. Puberty, sexual maturity, happens at a pretty young age, and it is an irresistible urge. And even when we are married or "belong" to someone else, that still doesn't keep us from running across someone from time to time that make us loose all our sense of proportion and propriety, and all we can think about is how much we want that other person, how much we want them right now, and we don't even care if they are on the other side of the planet, we want them, we want them in the worst way, we want them now, we want to do the heaving breathing part, then we want the soft conversation part, and the holding part, and the gentle part and the loving part, and sooner or later, we want that heavy breathing part again. Don't we?

    It's just human nature. They're gonna do it. Count on it. They may already have. Thank God they're being honest, and thank God they're using protection. You've not no troubles in this at all, unless they want to do it in your home. I say that's where you have the right to draw the line. You're not your daughter's enabler, her pimp, after all. No matter how liberal you are, and no matter that something like this has NEVER crossed your mind.

    Hope that helps to put things in perspective for you.


  • Europe


    Before you make it yourself so difficult...have you talked about this with your daughter?? Perhaps she isnt even ready to have sex yet with her boyfriend!!!! And in that case you not need to worry so much!

    If she is, I guess you have to trust her and dont forbid it, cause let's face it, if they want to do it, they can do it everywhere they like! I think for us mums it's kinda hard to accept that our ' little babies' become adult women!!!

  • Europe


    Yes...probably because the men here don't want some young dirty boy putting his dirty thing near his beloved daughter. Got it! LOL

    Was I close? That's my daughter's father's reasoning. I don't know if it applies to every father...I'm just making an assumption. Anyone else? larc?

    Yes Beck, that's the reason. And I think it applies to 99% of the fathers! All the men have been boys as well and they can clearly remember what they wanted to do at that age!! (and not only that age;-))))

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