I think something that is missing here is the fact that once Saddam gets a nuke we will never take action against him. He could take over Sauid Arabia and we wouldnt do a damn thing! Doesnt anyone remember the Nuclear Deterence policy of the Cold War??? The Soviets could have wiped out Europe but they didnt becuase they would get nuked. If Saddam gets the 'bomb', no one will attack him. You think the EU has a problem with an attack now, wait till he gets a couple of nukes! The pansy ass EU sits on their butts until its way too late. Shit, give me Napolean, he had a pair. At least the Brits realize this shit. My God people! Saddam ALMOST had NUKES when we invaded last time! You think he is not doing it again????
YES, the US, UK, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, France, and lets not forget ISREAL, all have NUKES. But yet none of them use them. (except for the U.S. in WWII but that was to end the War of All Wars and in intospective saved lives.) The reason we dont use them is because someone will nuke us back. Saddam wouldnt give a rats ass!! I highly doubt he would use them offensivly, but he would use his conventional forces to punk the middle east with the guareentee of a Nuclear Present if anyone got in the way.
Now as far as this whole Isreal/Arab thing.
1) Theyve been killing each other since biblical times so nothing new. Its not going to stop unless you send them to their corners and put up on big ass wall in between.
2) Last time I checked, it was the Arabs who attacked Isreal - 1948, 1967 (and Isreal Whipped their asses)
3) Maybe if Arabs were not blowing themselves up everday, Isreal would be a little bit nicer.
4) Lets not forget, that there was NO PALISTINE. It was the Ottoman Empire. Maybe if EUROPE hadnt let Hilter pop up, all the JEWS wouldnt have gotton BBQ'd and they wouldnt have needed a new HOME in the FIRST PLACE.
Your whole 'its the western worlds fault for their suffering' is a bunch of BS. The US and Europe give out Billions in AID each year to 3rd world countries and what do they do with it??? Their governments spend it on tanks and line their own pocket books. How long have we been giving aid to Africa??? The Arabs hate us??? Who buys their Oil????? Talking about biting the hand that feeds you. I hope we get fusion/hydrogen cells going so they can rot.
Lets not forget that if it wasnt for the U.S and Europe, the OTTOMAN EMPIRE would STILL BE THERE and there would be NO PALISTINE or any other MiddleEast Country.
YES, I will concede that the Cold War did mess things up (The Shah any one???)
But, times have changed.
Sadam needs to GO.
'The US has nukes and Chemical Weapons" TRUE, but when was the last time you saw the US military gas its own people??????????????????????????????????????????
Saddam needs to GO NOW. We should have done it last time, oh well.
also, this whole "It will turn into a MiddleEAst Hell" is Bullshit. Isreal could singlehandedly kick all their asses (theyve done it before).
Nuke the Whole Place. Where is McArthur when you need him????