Its Time to get IRAQ

by Amazing 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    : did the us put an embargo against japan yes or no? did the us threaten to block the oil supply to japan yes or no? did the us freeze the japanese bank accounts yes or no?

    Did Japan first attack Korea and China? Yes, or no. Do you think we should have sat back and played pinochole while they did that? We WE the bad guys because they attacked Korea and China and then bombed our own citizens on our own soil because we "threatened" to block their oil supply?

    Yes, or no.


  • Realist


    the point is that the US would have given a rats ass about the atrocities commited by the japanese. roosevelt tried to get into the war so that the US could keep control over the region. for economical not humaniterian reasons!

    also consider where the US is and where japan. china was certainly in the hemisphere of japan. the US had no right to get involved as japan would have had no right to get invovled in the US mexican war...or the occupation of cuba etc.

    there are a lot of double standards here!

  • Crazy151drinker


    We were not selectivly wiping out the mexican population. We did not walk around Mexico City and behead every civilian in sight. Do you realize how many Chinese were killed by the Japanese??? Do you honestly think the Japanese would have stopped with China? The were going to take over Austrailia, and we were next. Be thankfull we went to war.

    Its hardly a doublestandard. We didnt Start WWII (the europeans did with their German reprimand policy! , that and the Japanese were land hungry- the Italians just kind of got in the way...)

  • Farkel


    Do you always not answer specific questions, or are you just doing it now?

    You tried to make it appear as if WE encouraged Japan to bomb the shit out of Pearl Harbor. Are you going to address my arguments or prattle around the periphery again?


  • Realist


    i guess not everyone can meet your high standard in addressing questions specifically.

    of course china and korea were occupied previously. did that give the US the right to intervene...maybe...then the question is how you justify the actions of the US killing the indians (which was at that point harld 50 years ago), occupying foreing contires, mexico, cuba etc. supporting currupt regimes all over the place...supporting stalin who killed millions, supporting france and britain who had occupied 2/3 of the world..and who were not exactly nice to the inhabitants of their colonies...

    even if you believe in this nice fairy tale from the world saving USA is there a double standard yes or no???

  • Farkel


    : i guess not everyone can meet your high standard in addressing questions specifically.

    People who aren't idiots can.

    You are full of red-herrings, strawmen, diversions, side-steppings and a whole bunch of other evasive techniques, you smooth talking devil you.

    And you are also full of shit. Learn your history before you open your yapper next time.


  • larc

    Realist, you are full of poop puffery, and Farkel is full of logic and truth.

  • TR

    LMFAO at the dipfricks!


  • sleepy

    Its Time to get IRAQ or is it time to get Saddam?The two are different things.

    So what are the issues, correct me if I'm wrong but this is all about the threat Saddam presents to western countries.It has nothing to do with his harsh regime against his own people, otherwize most of the world would be for it too.

    So is it the fear of terrorist attack?But how will bombing Iraq stop terrorists attack, terrorists don't need Saddam althought they do need money, but there are far more people than Saddam with money.

    Does he have Biological or chemical weapons?This would be a major threat , yet the Anthrax attacks on America are believed to be caused by Americans, there are many people to be worried about, not just Saddam.

    Nuclear power?Does he even have it, if he did how could he get it anyware near Britian or America?

    Is terroist attack the biggest threat to Ameican or other people?American people are there own worst enemy.You are far more likley to be murderd than killed by terroists.3000 dead in New York, how does that compare to the murder rate?3 years worth I believe.Should we bomb the Bronx and wipe out all those potential murderers?

    Does this mean we should not attack Saddam.No .Not if the threat he poses is great and real.But Life is not so simple.An attack on Saddam may stop something worse happening, or it may be the worst that would have happened.I suppose these are chances politcians have to take.No one is running this earth, world leaders are free to do what they choose and what they think best for their countries, but it would be a terrible shame if thousands of Iraq's were killed and it was just about power or money and revenge for what happened in New York.If we Attack Iraq it most be for the right reasons.

  • Realist

    @ fartel:


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