I would like to compliment all on a truly civil, informative debate. Good points made all around!
Its Time to get IRAQ
by Amazing 87 Replies latest jw friends
unbelievable atrocities usually don't prevent the Us from supporting a government (e.g. cambodia)
the US wanted the war to gain/kepp control over the region!
Yes the U.S. supported alot of 3rd world countries and the Soviets supported the rest.
The Cold war over!! We have been trying to help these countries but they are screwed! Its all about BAD GOVERNMENT. If you look how China, Taiwan, S. Korea, and Hong Kong's economys have EXPLODED, you would see that good economic policy will increase the living standards in any country.
Speaking of economy, look at Japans. Japan would not be like it is now if WE didnt go to war with them. Scary but true.
And yes, before WWII, the U.S. Military was WEAK. We got rid of almost all of our military after WWI and had no military industrial base (since we were such a great Isolationalist country). How long did it take for us to attack Japan back??? How long did it take for us to get to Europe????
the only problem is that most 3rd world coutries have corrupt regimes (nigera eg.) the governments support the 1st world industry! and the Us government of course supports these corrupt regimes! the average african or arab can't do anything about that. its not like as if the US would ask them : do you want the US industry or british BP etc. to pump out the oil and get 90% of the profit while your corrupt government takes the rest and deposits it on a swiss bank account?
the us war industry was anything but weak. you cannot defeat a supposedly super power (japan) within 2.5 years plus make an attack on germany if you don't have the industry ready to go.
Edited by - realist on 6 September 2002 15:22:6
The U.S makes more money when the 3rd world countries have good economies. The whole issue with Nigeria and Shell is horrilbe and all the Shell execs should be shot.
Economic Aid to 3rd world countries does not work. Cut them off and make them do the work themselves. Start over from SCRATCH.
And YES, the U.S. had NO MILITARY (besides its Navy) at the Start of WWII!! We had a huge economic shift over to wartime production. Yes the CAPACITY was there, but we where not using it. Look at the # of sevicement in the military before WWII, or for that mater the military budget. It was puny! There were no Amunition plants, or tank factories being built before Dec 7, 1941.
I thought Shell Oil was a Dutch company anyway.
before i continue reading replies on page 2
Is this topic related to jw/wt?
any prophecy involved?
what wrong with jw desire to get rid of all govertments?
what wrong with usa wanting to get rid of some govertmentS?
Yes, the US didnt do anything about POL POT. Why we didnt give a shit.
Yes, the US didnt do anything about RWANDA. Why we didnt give a shit.
But, Niether did anyone else for that matter. The UN was right next door to RWANDA and they didnt do shit. The massacres didnt stop until neighbor countries complained that there water supply was being ruined- because of all the dead bodies floating down the river.
So not only did the US not do anything, but neither did the EU, the Russians, AFRICA, The MiddleEast, NOBODY DID ANYTHING. So dont sit here and rant and rave how horrible we are when other countries do the same exact thing. I didnt see any Canadian peace mission to Cambodia or RWANDA.
Is this topic related to jw/wt?
Sure it is, because most of us talking about it are or were JWs, or at least know someone who is a JW. SO theres your connection. Happy?
Of course this topic is Related to JW's.
If we go to war with IRAQ, we will spend all of our Saturdays at home watching TV. What a perfect opportunity for JW to convert some new