Dear Promqueennot,
They have caused harm. I’m not going to defend them in these matter. People have died needlessly. And these are area that they had no business regulating. Please understand I am not here to defend an organization. Only that an association of brothers have been attracted here by an assortment of teachings almost unique. They were borrowed from others but accumulated among these people to an extent that drew us all at one time to an “organization” that soon turned bad like all organizations run by men. (Do not put your trust in nobles, Psalms 146:3) But God is not stupid. He knows this better than we do. He uses flawed associations anyway.
As to your comments on blood, you are right. Who are they to decide? They are back pedaling now, but it is too late for many. I hope you are not one who suffered loss do to this policy. If so, my heart goes out to you.
Your thoughts on perfectionism touch on a subject I want to talk about later. This is a terribly dangerous topic with possibly more casualties that any other issue.
Keep an open mind. I guess the biggest issue I’m concerned with- is bitterness of having been hurt causing us to reject the lock, stock and barrel. I will try to explain this latter, Monica. Meanwhile fight bitterness. Its not good for you.