My neighbor and I had lots of religious discussions. Some of the weirdest stuff she told me was:1. The temple undergarments: she and her husband were married in the Temple at Salt Lake except to shower, they were never to take these big cumbersome HOT undergarments off EVER.
2. God has a physical body and is represented in pictorials as being blond (blonds are more celestial than brunettes).
3. Mormons believe in baptism (figuratively) of their dead relatives to move them to a higher level of heaven.
4. Heaven is made up of 7 levels, and if humans knew how wonderful even the lowest level was, they would commit suicide to get there. Only truly evil people wont go to heaven.
Oh brother....and so the misinformation on Morman beliefs continue to be passed on....scheesshh...
I have several friends that are Morman...and I like them all... I'm tired of trying to correct misinformation here, so forget it. I look at the above list and just laugh, knowing that every point is distorted...but hey, just go ahead and pass it on as "What Mormans Believe".... then we'll have another group of people to dislike.