Suicide Post from last week - Info Needed

by Celtic 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    All correspondence regarding last weeks posts on 'Chantelle's' suicide conducted throughout with Adeles full permission and consultation has resulted in needing more information.

    If anyone has any information at all in that this story without permission was passed on to the media, I would like to know about it. If anyone in fact was foolish enough to pass this onto the media without express permission from Adele first, action will be taken to remind any such individuals that you acted bang out of order and to expect consequences resulting from any such action taken.

    Note to EnglishMan personally: It's ok, the story panned out after posing some investigative questions today, will ring you later with detail.

    Yours faithfully

    Mark Price / Community Action Network UK [email protected]

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    If I understand your message, you're concerned that information about the suicide might have gotten to the press, and you're asking who might have done such a thing.

    I suggest you should take some personal responsibility for posting your story on a public discussion board rather than seek others to blame for not keeping your secret. How many people on this board do you personally know? Were you aware that there are some members of the press who visit this site from time to time? Did you stop to think that anyone can freely browse the postings here without even registering?

    If you have a secret, the best way to keep it a secret is to keep your mouth shut - don't go blabbing your story all over the world wide web and then complain that the news leaked out.

  • Celtic

    I'm thinking that a few of you need to get a few facts here extremely straight rather than posting incomprehensible replies back.

    Where is the 'secret' in this eh?

    I posted initially to try to get support and assistance for this young lady. I did this with Adele's full backing, communication and full consultation.

    Unfortunately, the messages of warmth passed along upon the board did not reach her in time for later that night she took her life so tragicly.

    So, again after consultation with Adele, I posted to the effect to pass on the very bad news and to apologise for not being able to pass those supportive messages forwards to where they were needed. If I had not posted this news, other posters here might have wondered afterwards how Chantelle was doing, this would not have been fair to them to with hold this information.

    I then posted an email to Mr Bowen and also posted onto the board to advise not taking this to the media without consultation first with Chantelle's 'adoptive' family, and especially Adele out of respect. From a source or two, I was told that the possibility existed that the 'story' WITHOUT permission might have in fact still been passed along to the media. In the entire process I have been in full consultation with Adele at all times.

    Frankly, she is absolutely furious with whosoever passed this onto the media without first consulting with her and I do not blame her one bit. for this reason, and again with consultation with her, I posted this request today.

    Getting to the exact point of motive and intention on my part initially.

    I posted only to try to get the right and proper support for Chantelle, who I personally knew also, there was no other reason. Isn't that supposed to be one of the functions of this board, to try to connect individuals together for support, reassurance and friendship?

    So, answer me, pray do on the secretiveness behind my actions, what exactly in plain English are you insinuating?

    I await your reply with interest as is Adele.

    Yours faithfully

    Mark Price / Community Action network UK [email protected]

  • SixofNine

    This board IS the media. Public, and worldwide. You posted it on this board.

    This story is not ringing true. Your concern seems disingenuous. If there is an "Adelle" from whom you got "full backing, communication and full consultation", why wouldn't she want the media to know who did what to her adopted daughter? That's what mourning people want: justice.

    This morning person wants an end to the bullshit on the internet.

    If anyone in fact was foolish enough to pass this onto the media without express permission from Adele first, action will be taken to remind any such individuals that you acted bang out of order and to expect consequences resulting from any such action taken.

    Beyond humour, what exactly in plain English are you insinuating? Perhaps you are thinking of my actions in regards to publishing a "press release" type e-mail to all the media outlets I know to be interested in shunned persons committing suicide? I did this as someone concerned with all potential suicides, rather than just the successful ones of people I personally know.

    The e-mails are producing some interest, so we'll be coming to you for details soon, Celtic.

  • Celtic


    All that is needed this end without going off topic, is this:

    Did someone personally pass on this particular story to the media? You know the question and so do I, so please, do not prevaricate in speaking in tongues, simple facts will do, suffice just fine.

    Yours faithfully

    Mark Price (CAN) UK

  • SixofNine

    Yes, Skally did, I did, and you did. Probably others.

    If you hadn't just made this story up out of whole cloth, that would please you greatly.

    do not prevaricate in speaking in tongues, simple facts will do

    And don't you ever speak to me like that.

  • Celtic

    Thankyou for your honesty. Then all of this now will simply be passed along to Adele, she alone can decide the next steps, if any to be taken, that is her choice, not mine.

    Mark Price / Community Action Network UK [email protected]

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I thought the opinion i expressed was pretty straight forward, but I'll try again:

    The "secret" is the story that you do not want the media to have access to.

    Figuratively speaking, it is as if you walked into the center of town and posted a sign in the town square with your message upon it, and now you are running around trying to pick who may look at the sign you posted in the town square and who may not look at it.

    YOU posted the first message on a public discussion board. I hope Adele is able to grasp this subtle point, even if you cannot.


  • hillary_step


    You should have checked with 'Adele' as to whether she minded the potential billion people or so who are Internet connected, including in large measure all the worlds media, reading of her personal tragedy.

    If anybody should be up for further 'action' as you state, it should be your good-self. This whole affair a good example of how not to use a discussion board.


  • SixofNine

    Sane people put Adele in quotes, that's all I'm saying. You can quote me on that.

    There are boards geared specifically for fantasy writers. Imaginary friends are welcome, and suicide really is painless there.

    Six- not too worried about what his hat taste like even though he's perfectly willing to step up to the plate () class.

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