Suicide Post from last week - Info Needed

by Celtic 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf


    You are 'acting' as if you are completely clueless as to who contacted the media. LOOK IN THOSE THREADS....I POSTED (PASTED) THE VERY EMAIL I SENT OUT TO FOXNEWS. Did you not WITNESS them yet? Search them out and SHOW ADELE AND HER ATTORNEY.

    Dear 'Adele'....

    Mark posted PRIVATE info. I will not sit back and do nothing to alert my sources as to the updates re: ALL THINGS WATCHTOWER/JW. I send them everything I deem they must see. I MAKE THE DECISION. NO ONE ELSE.

    I told FOX where to find the thread. (I LINKED IT) Look at the email I submitted on the thread. MARK is the original poster of YOUR PRIVATE HELL. NO ONE ELSE.

    It isn't as if I found this in a guestlog with locked passwords and splashed it to the world. IT WAS BULLETIED ON A PUBLIC FORUM. Take a look at the 'members' page...thousands read this site. Thousands more WHO AREN'T REGISTERED.

    Now, I suggest you advise MARK and yourself and perhaps your attorney to back off with the PUBLIC THREATS OF LEGAL ACTION....My attorney kicks serious ass too. And I love a challenge...especially when I know I have NOTHING TO F.E.A.R.

    You know, the day I read MARKS PUBLIC THREAD of YOUR PRIVATE LIFE, I went into my bedroom and buried my face in the pillow and screamed as loud as I could with rage and contempt. Then I had a good cry. Then I DECIDED that this needed to be seen by 'my sources', since it was PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE NOW. (Thanks again to MARK PRICE) Thusly, I did just that, contact 'my sources'.

    I'll do it again to. Every PUBLIC POST will be mailed. Perhaps email to a few would have been better for Mark to 'do'.

    So, please, see that I did what I had to do...for who? THE CHILDREN! Always and foremost!!

    {{{{{{{{{{{ 'ADELE' }}}}}}}}}}

    Sincerely, sKally

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    If Celtic was really caught by surprise when the sensational story he posted received wider attention than he thought it would, I'm sure he now recognizes the value of maintaining confidentiality - he could have concealed the identity of the poor girl, just as the original postings about "Shunned Father" in Canada did not reveal the identity of the persons involved but still managed to tell the story.

    I just hope Adele and her lawyer will go easy on Celtic for his poor judgement in this instance.

    By the way, which UK laws are binding on the citizens of other countries who are not inside the borders of the UK?

    None, I suspect.

    Maybe Celtic has also learned not to make empty threats.

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 30 September 2002 14:31:45

  • DJ


    You e-mailed and stated that you no longer support silentlambs because Bill Bowen may have contacted the media about the suicide of this girl. I am the one who told Bill about the thread and I am the one who asked him to contact the media. IF, he did then it would be my fault. This want done simply to get the word out to the press about the tragic consequences of shunning a CHILD. She was 16, when she was DF'd? That is CHILD ABUSE. Her parents ABUSED her! Don't you see that? This is criminal IMO.

    I am sorry that you and Adele feel so hurt. That was certainly not the intention of anyone who may have contacted the media. I think that you know that!!!!!!!! If the story is true, then what is there to FEAR?? IF the media was informed, where is the damage? I do not see this in the papers or on the news in the USA. Have you seen it in UK? If not, then who was hurt? You are acting in a way that questions your credibilty. I personally believe the story and I would like this shunning nonsense to STOP. What are you afraid of?

    I understand that the family needs grieving time. I also understand that it is the family's decision whether or not this goes to the media. I'm sorry that you were unable to contact me sooner. I did request your permission! You must remember that anyone here who notified the press, did so Prior to your request not to. It was not done to inflict pain. We are sorry for Adele's loss and yours, Mark.

    To remove your support for child abuse within the jw society because Bowen MAY have gone to the media with this story a week or so simply spiteful and cowardly.

    I have an honest simple question that I would like answered truthfully and fully. WHY WOULDN'T ADELE WANT THIS STORY OF ABUSE AND NEGLIGENCE MADE KNOWN?? I truly don't understand. I just don't get it. Maybe us Americans are terrible, so spell it out for us then. Is it proper for the story to be told in a month or a year or five years? Why would anyone want to hush an assault by the wt techings on a kid? Why wouldn't you want to speak out? Is it a matter of just being to soon? If that's it, then I understand. If not, then I don't get any of this. Sorry. Dj

  • Reborn2002

    DJ -

    IF, he did then it would be my fault.

    Do NOT blame yourself in this instance.

    Mark/Celtic has to learn to take responsibility for his own actions.

    It was HE who posted the story on a PUBLIC DISCUSSION FORUM THAT REACHES GLOBALLY.

    Now he is complaining because it got into the hands of the media?.. when HE posted it for the world to see?

    Nathan Natas.. you have shown insight and wisdom in this instance, and you spelled it out for Celtic so that even a child could understand.

    I suggest you should take some personal responsibility for posting your story on a public discussion board rather than seek others to blame for not keeping your secret. How many people on this board do you personally know? Were you aware that there are some members of the press who visit this site from time to time? Did you stop to think that anyone can freely browse the postings here without even registering?

    If you have a secret, the best way to keep it a secret is to keep your mouth shut - don't go blabbing your story all over the world wide web and then complain that the news leaked out.


    By the way, which UK laws are binding on the citizens of other countries who are not inside the borders of the UK?

    None, I suspect.

    Maybe Celtic has also learned not to make empty threats.

    A word of advice Mark. Don't start blaming other people for problems you brought upon yourself. YOU posted private information on a discussion board that spans the globe. Anyone who simply types in can read the information you wrote without even registering to this website.

    Take responsibility for your own actions.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 30 September 2002 15:7:12

  • hawkaw

    This is the frist I have read about this and hmm .....

    If anyone has any information at all in that this story without permission was passed on to the media, I would like to know about it. If anyone in fact was foolish enough to pass this onto the media without express permission from Adele first, action will be taken to remind any such individuals that you acted bang out of order and to expect consequences resulting from any such action taken.

    So uhhh .... you made a public post about this using real names on a public thread ..... and uh ..... asked for it not to be made public ?????? somewhere in your orginial thread on a public forum ... and uh ..... someone is now going to have action taken against these other people for sending it on to the lamestream press ???? ....

    ... I don't know what to say ..... except this story of her suicide is so sicking and I am so sorry it happened. I hope your friend does publize it and talk about it for others in her situation through out the world. I also humbly hope your friend seeks sound professional mental help as this type of action will cause a huge emptiness.


  • cellomould

    Posting a story in a public forum does not equate to involving the news media...if a media editor decides to run a story, they don't just grab any publicly available information. It has to be verifiable. They take steps to obtain their own eyewitness account.

    Why would the media publish hearsay? This is not saying that the story is false...only that the story is hearsay in this context. (i.e. not admissable in a court of law either)

    Mark's friend has the right to deny reporters the priviledge of an interview...if they were to call her. Why not save her the phone calls for now? Let her make the phone calls to the news media when she is ready. I wouldn't say 'shame on whomever leaked the information'; that's not the point. But how about proceeding with caution? As Mark said, his friend consented to public discussion of the story. This is not the same as publication of the story.

    Ask your media contacts to wait for consent.

  • cellomould
    you made a public post about this using real names on a public thread ..... and uh ..... asked for it not to be made public

    Again, that's not what he was asking. Handing a story to the media is different from making a story indirectly available, even publicly. In the former case, you have a person (or several people) selling a story to a journalist or editor. In the latter case, you allow a journalist or editor to research independently.

    The probability that Mark's friend will be contacted very soon has been increased dramatically now.

    Isn't it fair for Mark to ask that the issue be let rest for a while? Sure, we can discuss it publicly all we want. This is very unlikely to involve the people closest to the victim. If we try to get more attention for the people closest to the victim, by taking the issue to a remarkably different forum, these people can be directly affected.

    Again, they are affected, not because people know about the story, but because more people will want to know about the story. This will necessarily mean the story is retold in first person.

  • SixofNine

    these people can be directly affected.

    I suppose, but I see their being affected as positive for them and, especially, for the many distressed suicidal beat-down witnesses that I know exist at any given time.

    There are forest, and there are trees. Nice that what is good for one is good for the other in this case. These people have experienced the worst. You can't make it worse by talking about it, especially if that dialogue is in an attempt to give meaning and value to the situation.

    Besides, this is all moot, as any "news" relevence this one suicide story has, would only be in relation to some other JW "news" event, such as the march, or a major tv show airing, etc. Other than that, it's "news" relevance is likely relegated to being discussed along with the bigger picture story of JW suicide in a investigative journalism style. That is how I see it gaining a bigger audience. And again, that is all good.

    The faux niceness that floats around this forum is all well and good, but when it gets in the way of actually doing the right thing - actually helping people, I say fuck it.

  • Angharad

    I think people are missing the point here - that Mark did not just bring a story of suicide to the forum. When he first posted it was to ask for people to give their support to Chantelle as she was suicidal (this has been done many times in the past), tragically it was that night she succeeded in killing herself. Now if Mark had not reported this and then in a few weeks time someone had posted asking how she was doing, he would have been attacked for not reporting it.

    Tragic stories like this need publicity but some consideration should be shown to the people close to the victim as they are still in the grieving process - maybe in a few weeks they will feel differently and want it publised but at the moment I can imagine it must be very hard just to cope with the loss let alone the press.

  • ballistic

    I would have second thoughts about 50% of what I have posted on to this web site if I thought it would end up in newspapers.

    At least someone could have contacted Mark and asked his permission, simply out of respect and politeness, or do we now live in a world where people do things simply because they can?

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