There is much I could add to these posts, thankyou to those ones who know that I have been acting in the best interests of others, placing their interest before my own.
I have never threatened legal action, that is a false assumption, a twisting of my words out of context again. No further comment is required upon this, as obviously many of you are now 'polluting' this whole issue and frankly, muddying the waters, it's simply not needed and is a complete waste of time.
I am withdrawing my support for Bill Bowen on the basis of a very rude email I received from him in response to a perfectly respectable and polite request made to him.
Some posters here are suggesting the whole story is made up. I can, sadly so, assure you that that is not the case. The facts can be verified quite easily. I do know much of the background here, but for reasons beyond my control, am not able to provide further information pertaining to certain matters.
If I have acted unwisely in the eyes of a few here, please accept my apology unreserved. This was not at all my intention.
I have come to expect from this board that many here will seize upon the opportunity to drag other individuals down, no matter what the cost, I have seen this before here. I'm not angry about this, tis but water off ducks back, I just think it sad that so many jump in to see the negative rather than first looking for the positive in regards to personal motive and intention.
I know what this board can be like. Many of you just jump in, all too ready to misconstrue another individuals words to make it appear that what you are saying is true, despite the fact that you may full well be completely taking things and/or the situation way out of context. This is only an observation.
There is much much more I could add, but now is not the appropriate timing so I will refrain. Hurl whatever abuses you like, chuck in the insults, say I did this wrong and that wrong, whatever, I don't give a damn. I know where my heart was with my initial post, there was no other motive, I know that, and thats all that matters to me.
Yours faithfully
Mark Price / Community Action Network UK
[email protected]