Life exists. The probability of it having begun is therefore exactly 1.
<sarcasm on> Big on math in school were you? <sarcasm off>
There is not one evolutionist that would concur with that hypothesis. It's mathematically defiant.
For it to have begun by natural means all that's needed is for a single self-replicating molecule to have spontaneously formed.
That's the insurmountable problem that is NO WAY a mathematical 1. It is the exponential multiples of the probable chance assembly of each component of a cell, and each component assembling itself without direction, that makes up the first theoretical simplex self assembling/self replicating organism. Which can be calculated with probability math.
Once it forms and begins to self-replicate, natural selection takes over and the rest is mere detail.
What about the gory details before self replication even began?
Before IT replicates, the amino acids have to form. Which, since it's BEFORE replication, means all the aminos were formed by CHANCE. Then after THEY were formed, they BY CHANCE had to be formed into the first polypeptide protein chain using only the left handed flavor. AGAIN, ALL BY CHANCE, no selection.
What evolutionists also don't like to confront, is that one protein DOES NOT make a cell. That CHANCE formation has to happen ALL OVER AGAIN, for the next protein. NOT ONLY THAT, this SECOND protein has to MATCH the one that was just formed prior. In other words, if a car was evolving on it's own, and say our first protein was the hood, the second protein would have to be like a matching fender to fit the hood. Otherwise, NG. DEAD. Play those kind of odds will ya??
For life to have a supernatural origin, we need considerably more than a spontaneously-forming self-replicating molecule.
How about an incomprehensible, always been, infinitely powerful, Being with NO beginning? How does the life we know and study eliminate a infinite being the we finite beings can never comprehend, but can only marvel at? Your analysis above is finite reasoning.
We need a spontaneously forming intelligent, omnipotent being.
It also could be an always existing intelligent superpotent being that had no beginning.
I believe it to be so.
God lives.
Edited by - pomegranate on 16 October 2002 18:3:19