I think minimus made a very strong point.
After being out for more than 20yrs. it is apparent to me, that people are people, no matter thier religious upbringing. Oh yes, we ex-jws carry a bigger burden (we keep telling ourselves), but the average John Q Public really has little over us in the area of sociability.
Think about it. Does the average joe have a background in public speaking? Preparing impromptu public speeches? What about the forced social interactions we had as jw's with 50-100 other's, while attendings 5 meetings or more per week? Most "worldly people"....puke....cough.....had little if any of the constant exsposure we had while practicing jw's.
In fact I will go even farther, we ex's are more attuned, more able to deal with the stresses of meeting new people than most others.
Now when it comes to the subject of how good of friends/aquiantances we make. That's whole different story.
We were schooled in the art of shunning, marking, avoiding inappropriate appearances, watching every word and thought. It was made very easy for us to turn our backs on former friends. This one characteristic is a curse on jw's and most ex's I have come in contact with.
Hell I have had aquaintenaces on this board, that had expressed affection and even friendship toward me, turn on a dime, for some percieved slight or slip of the tounge. If we can turn away from people we really do not know, ones we have never even pressed skin with, so cavalierly, so starkly hard hearted, is it any wonder why we hear complaints about having no real friends? Or the inablity to retain them?
Tell me your my friend, well you better prove it. Stick by me, even if I piss you off sometimes. A friend is no fair weather appologist. A friend is someone you can always turn to in times of distress, and expect them to offer you a listening ear, not the backhand of rebuke.
I have friends, they don't always make me happy, but guess what, who will? We need to relearn how to be a friend. Our jw perception of friendship was distorted, no a better word for it was TWISTED.