Royal Commission convened for now, but Jackson is an asshole

by umbertoecho 58 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Vidiot

    "...if the guilty party wants to have them there, they can do that..."

    Guilty (until proven innocent), huh?

    Ten to one that one wasn't lost on the Commission board, either.


    I swear, sometimes these guys give their opponents all the ammo they ever need.

  • Vidiot

    @ Orphancrow...

    I mentioned this on one of the other Commission-related threads, but I can't help but wonder what Lorenz Riebling and his friends are thinking about all this...

  • possum
    Sorry for being a dummy who is Lorenz Riebling and his friends?
  • Vidiot

    @ possum...

    Oh, boy, here we go...

    It'll take a while but it's worth perusing.

  • possum

    Vidiot. Don't know if I should thank you or not its incredible! My husband is the enthusiastic bible student I will pass it to him and he can give me a blow by blow description. Great research.

  • umbertoecho

    Orphan Cow. Oh yes! I did hear that. It was a brilliant slip and showed his inner thoughts about those "abused". Jackson was CO in my congregation as well. I remember him very well, a neat little man, all starchy collars and cuffs. Like a little rooster as he strutted onto the platform and off.

    The all of a sudden........he was gone. The reason given was that they don't like a CO to stay around for too long in a region as it doesn't keep a fresh perspective. That may be true, but it makes me wonder as well.

    I may be in Sydney this week, for reasons related to this hearing

  • OrphanCrow

    pssst....I'm a crow, not a cow! Lol!

    The all of a sudden........he was gone. The reason given was that they don't like CO to stay around for too long in a region as it doesn't keep a fresh perspective. That may be true, but it makes me wonder as well.

    I wonder if it had anything to do with "the other case" that he was asked about. The one where he was presented with a slip of paper with someone's name on it. (at 1:43:10) He claimed that he knew nothing about that case but I think he is lying. It will be interesting to see if that line of inquiry is pursued in today's session.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Ok, just saw the YouTube of Jackson.

    Yes, I "see it" and I never met the man.

    The words "smug asshole" came to mind after watching him.

  • Mephis

    Horley's testimony to direct questions from the commissioner has destroyed their defence from civil cases where they have a duty of care to protect by letting people know there is an abuser in their midst. In fact, he near enough says that the protection is for the abuser (and in this case his reputation) and not the congregation or those who've suffered abuse.

    Those who are standing up and speaking out and reporting to this commission are doing far more to protect the congregation and the vulnerable within it than the elders supposedly responsible for doing that.

  • umbertoecho

    Lorenz Riebling

    Yes, could you please tell me who this man is. I don't have a clue at the moment.

    Possum. Are you going to the Royal Commission?

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