Royal Commission convened for now, but Jackson is an asshole

by umbertoecho 58 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Ruby456

    wow wow wow

    what a public display of patriarchal men caught out in their own time warp - Jackson's calling the poor victim the guilty party from the start, the pedophile dad saying his daughter seduced him...

    Where is the child in all this. In wt land the child, the teenager does not exist as they are all extensions of men reaching out for privileges and with this sort of disorganized attachment it is no wonder that abuse happpens

  • smiddy

    Joe Bello`s testimony should be recorded for all to see, what an Ass-hole.


  • FadeToBlack
    "If the Witnesses believed Jehovah was a loving god, would he not be more concerned about the victims than his own name?" Chief Commissioner Justice Peter McClellan asked Mr Bello.
  • steve2

    It took a secular judge to frame the most damning question about JW elders:

    "If the Witnesses believed Jehovah was a loving God, would he not be more concerned about the victims than his own name?"

    Seldom has any question been so utterly unsettling in its power to expose the organization's medieval "Protect-The-Name-At-Any-Cost" thinking.

  • ScenicViewer

    That whole "You wouldn't want to bring reproach on Jehovah's name, would you?" line is becoming more and more obvious as nothing more than a convenient ploy used by elders to keep things secret.

    I often think of the David and Bathsheba affair, which resulted in many bad things, including death, but did Jehovah try to hide the scandal to protect his name? No. Instead he had it put in the Bible (so JWs believe) for all to read.

    What Jehovah's Witnesses are really trying to protect with such a remark is their own reputation and public image, which is becoming more tarnished all the time.

  • smiddy

    This ploy , " You would not want to bring reproach on Jehovah`s name , " really means , you shouldn`t bring reproach on Jehovah`s Organization , namely the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society,( WTB&TS ) who are spokesperson`s for Jehovah as his visible representatives on earth in this Time of the End.

    Hopefully ," By their own words they will condemn themselves "


  • steve2

    There is nothing quite like human leaders keeping people in line by gravely warning them about God's displeasure when what is meant is the leaders' own displeasure.

    Many a human fink has hidden their spiritual cowardice behind "Divine" authority.

  • Vidiot

    steve2 - "It took a secular judge to frame the most damning question about JW elders: 'If the Witnesses believed Jehovah was a loving God, would he not be more concerned about the victims than his own name?'."

    I gotta say, that was f**king beautiful.

  • Tornintwo

    What a question....

    proverbs 21:13 Whoever stops up his ear to the cry of the lowly one Will himself call and not be answered.

    You have to consider, if there is a Jehovah, he can't be very happy with this lot who claim to be representing him!

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