Royal Commission convened for now, but Jackson is an asshole

by umbertoecho 58 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Pants of Righteousness
    Pants of Righteousness

    Mr Breakfast of Champions ...

    The Jackson being questioned is not the GB member. He is a long standing elder / CO / DO since 1971 who has operated across various parts of Australia and now is a member of Windsor Gardens Congregation in Adelaide. And apparently has only come across this one instance of child abuse in all that time, if I heard correctly today.

    In regard to having no Council, this looks like the protocol for a Royal Commission. The witness is on their own to answer questions.

    This compares to the State of Victoria enquiry where Australian Bethel Director Terry O'Brien (due to appear as the 14th witness to this enquiry) had the support of a JW legal council who bailed him out a couple times. Will be interesting to see how he goes flying solo.


  • possum
    As far as I understand the Australian Royal commission is appointed under legislation and has wide ranging coercive powers of investigation on these royal commissions (e.g. abilities to call and cross-examine witnesses, obtain evidence while also providing protection to witnesses and inquiry members from legal action such as defamation. My dealings as an ex member who has submitted a lengthy submission to the inquiry has been a positive one with counseling and support offered by the commission. And you need it!! Even just putting in a written submisiion about that cult is a very traumatic experience because you are so controlled by fear of retribution) When I read the up and coming witnesses list for the next two weeks I personally (used to )know some of the elders they are going to call and its not going to be pretty!! I felt that one of those elders today (not Jackson) was a sacrificial lamb. Wonder how far up the food chain we will get to see.
  • Splash
    possum I personally (used to) know some of the elders they are going to call and its not going to be pretty!!

    What do you mean by this possum, that there are more sacrificial lambs, or that they are tenacious and aggressive?

  • possum
    Splash, Watching the live streaming today one of the elders who was woefully under-educated as to current policy and procedures with dealing with child abuse. (WT style just doesn't cut it in the real light of day). Some not all of the elders they are going to call and in a similar position mindlessly following "the societies directives". The ones that I know of are all blue collar workers, low educational attainment who put on a suit and tie and magically transform into elders with disproportionate power over all and sundry especially sisters. I stayed muzzled by the two witness policy for over a decade even obediently going on a bible study with my child's abuser). So good to see all their elders special books (that even their wives where not to see been shown as all smoke and mirrors in the light of day) Our former prime minister Julia Gillard set up the commission and said

    "Australians know... that too many children have suffered child abuse, but have also seen other adults let them down - they've not only had their trust betrayed by the abuser but other adults who could have acted to assist them have failed to do so.

    "There have been too many revelations of adults who have averted their eyes from this evil.

  • Splash

    Thanks possum. I'm so very sorry to hear this has touched you and your family personally.

    An elder can always get away with "just do as you're told" within the congregation.
    Now they are having their feet held to the flames, they are beginning to see how fragile their authority is, and how reckless their policies are. This is a line of questioning they would never allow themselves to face in any other situation.

    They refuse recording devices in their own JC 'courts' but here they are in front of the cameras for the world to see. These so called glorious ones are being exposed as incompetent, unloving and self-preserving. The modern day pharisee.

  • paradisebeauty

    If you have a copy of the audio, please post it.

    Thank you

  • possum
    There is no hiding place for the WT anymore!!! As i said in another post my mantra is a quote by Justice Brandeis "Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman." That cult has effectively destroyed my family but I am currently with the support of my husband enrolled in university studying Social Work. I find it ironic after years indoctrination about "wicked worldly" people the commission comprises of some of the best legal brains and a passion for human rights and social justice Its Terms of reference state: AND it is important that claims of systemic failures by institutions in relation to allegations and incidents of child sexual abuse and any related unlawful or improper treatment of children be fully explored, and that best practice is identified so that it may be followed in the future both to protect against the occurrence of child sexual abuse and to respond appropriately when any allegations and incidents of child sexual abuse occur, including holding perpetrators to account and providing justice to victims.
    AND it is important that those sexually abused as a child in an Australian institution can share their experiences to assist with healing and to inform the development of strategies and reforms that your inquiry will seek to identify.
  • Vidiot
    Ten bucks says this Jackson guy is either gonna fall on his sword for the WTS, or end up on the fast track to "Helper" status.
  • TheListener

    There is an article on the NYPost and Reuters. Don't have links.

    The article is on the front page of NYPost but further down the page.

  • OrphanCrow
    umbertoecho: I did miss that slip up. I will try to find that in the transcript.

    Jackson's slip is at 1:06:45. Jackson is being questioned about whether "observers" can be at the hearing and Jackson is speaking about "parents of minors", "husband/wives", "friends" who could attend the hearing in a support capacity:

    "...if the guilty party wants to have them there, they can do that..."

    In the context of the questioning, the victim is the one who supposedly had the option to have "observers" as support for them when they testify against the accused. Jackson has called the victim "the guilty party".

    Paradisebeauty: If you have a copy of the audio, please post it.
    Thank you

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