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by LostGeneration 221 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney
    Boom! Capitulation. She's still trying to earn her paycheck though. Even though she's a hired gun, I kind of like her.
  • cha ching
    cha ching
    "I really believe religious organizations should have to report to the law" ... she said it!
  • Mephis

    She's now testifying against them! Brilliant.

    You actually saw the moment when the realisation hit her that she'd not come close to understanding what was happening.

    To quote the commissioner. "I don't know what we're going to do about it. But there's a problem [with JWs' conducting their own investigations into abuse]"

  • Ohiamfree
    The penny has dropped...
  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney
  • nonjwspouse

    I believe we agree, I don't know quite what we can do about that, but we agree don't we?....


    Time to break for lunch.

    By Golly she just exploded the WT policies! I believe the commission is blown away, and quite upset, at the absurdity of it all.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    I just tuned in a few minutes ago. This Dr doesn't seem very credible either as someone knowledgeable of the cult or of handling sexual abuse cases.
  • snare&racket

    Shame on her and her sloppy research. Children have suffered based on these rules and she hasn't even bothered to check them properly.

    This commission has been fantastic..

  • dubstepped

    Dayum!!!!!!! Just checked in for a minute and watched maybe the last ten minutes or so. Good Lord they owned her and got her to destroy the organization. She stuttered and stammered and was on the run because she's trying to defend the indefensible. Wow!

  • Sheila-mate Maiden
    Sheila-mate Maiden

    @LostGeneration, a few thoughts on your meme, if I may. I didn't realise it was our superstar Mr. Stewart at first. I thought it was a shiny, scrubbed up Bethelite who F*d up the JWs as a member of it. Perhaps better wording might be "When I F* WITH the JW…". Or identify who he is at the bottom.

    I wouldn't want this great man Mr. Stewart getting misread. I respect him very much and yes, @Mad Sweeny, I would love to join you in taking him for a beer!

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