Day 4 Looks to Be Live at Any Moment - Link...and Upcoming Witness List!

by LostGeneration 221 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney
    I hope she got paid up front.
  • Sabin
    Bottom line you don't need a bloody expert to tell you that crimes should be reported to the police. They should have asked some primary school kids, they would have given them the correct answer without conferring.
  • OrphanCrow

    She slipped. She said "we" when refering to the process...I am pretty sure she did. Right at the end. On one of her fumbles with Justice McClelland. Stewart and him were playing pass the ball with her and she was dropping it left riight and center.

    Gotta wait for the tapes.

    It actually played out like some kind of horror story at one point. Maybe it is the "treats" I am indulging in. Beer and cheezies, too. The mind control was boggling. Who is in control of her brain??

    I had to cover my eyes at was painful to watch.

  • Ohiamfree

    How did she ever think she could argue that they had the best standards internationally? Was that in her script?!!

    2 witness rule - not good or standard practice

    not reporting to a legal authority - not good or standard practice

    DEEERRRR and I don't even have a jw degree...

  • oppostate

    Dr. Applewhite admitted she had a full load of other cases when she wrote to the Commission and her writing wasn't as correct as she'd like it to be.

    Two or three times Mr. Stewart has brought out she gave references that were wrong and asked her what the actual reference was. How can she be considered an "expert" if she gives wrong references repeatedly?

    And as brought out in other comments here, she's had several times where she tried avoiding answering what Mr. Stewart was plainly asking her, constantly requesting he rephrase the question, then she answers with a question to him "how do you see it"?

    As of this lunch break she's definitely assured the commission that her report is rubbish and her "expert" conclusions are wrong.

  • dubstepped
    Congratulations Dr. Applewhite! Your name can be added to a long list of people that tried to defend the organization and were eventually proven to look like morons for doing so, myself included. Just five months ago I was defending the organization to a friend of mine that was out for a long time, and then Tony went online and whined about tight pants and Spanx and how brothers could only be marriage material if they had positions in the congregation, and I too looked like an ass. Five months later I now know that I grew up in a mindless cult and am walking away in freedom. At least you get a check when you walk away. You lost some credibility and a few hours of time. I lost almost four decades and all of my family and friends.
  • Mephis
    The very scary thing is that she's also provided 'expert' opinion in US cases. I hope to goodness that this lady hasn't helped prevent survivors having justice or compensation. And the consequences if her report, based on a fantasy understanding of JWs, had been accepted as accurate would have been to totally airbrush the problems within the cult. I mean, good on her conscience/professionalism kicking in at the last minute under close scrutiny, but it does make me very cross that she could be so, well, incompetent in her research and understanding of a religion and still take the stand as an 'expert'.
  • StrongHaiku

    Arguments in law sometimes fall on a simple strategy (to paraphrase):

    If the facts are against you, use the law. If law is against you, use the facts. If both the law and facts are against you, discredit the victim and/or witnesses.

    And, if everything else is failing, buy yourself an "expert witness" to muddy the waters.

  • AudeSapere
    I can't get the live feed. Are they on break??
  • snare&racket

    Memphis, sadly this is exactly what she has been doing, defending WT child abuse policy!

    shame on her!

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