Jesus Sacrifice - How Stupid and Illogical

by MrMoe 139 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • avishai
    But I sense a great deal of contempt in this forum, so I will shut up now, having said my piece..

    I have no problem w/ your post as it was'nt more of the same so-called "christian" I am better than you because I have the truth & I am right & you are going to hell & suffer horribly forever because you diagree b.s.. Your speculation is'nt held in contempt by me in the least.

  • donkey

    But I sense a great deal of contempt in this forum
    Care to be more specific? Do you mean contempt for believers?
  • Navigator

    I must say that I've always had a problem with the "ransom sacrifice" concept. I just can't imagine a God that would require that kind of sacrifice. Perhaps Jesus came to show us that death is not a permanent condition and can be overcome. In that sense, his death was necessary and certainly demonstrated his great love for us. But as a "ransom sacrifice". I don't think so. Perhaps people want to make Jesus special so they don't have to be.

  • czarofmischief

    Well, Donkey,

    Contempt for the concept of the ransom is inherent in any forum entitled "How stupid and illogical".j

    and by extension that contempt must involve all those that believe it.


  • MrMoe

    Perhaps the bible is a wonderful sorted story book including muder, abuse of women, rape, war, jewish history as a few men tell it, incest, and the like. Sorta like a neverending story that got cut off 2 thousnad years ago. Just because it is wrriten does not make it true.

    Then again, it HAS to be true cause there is some ancient history in it... ok the bible is real, just ask Harry Potter, he's sitting right next to me and told me it is real, ask him urself. *rolls eyes*

  • donkey


    Granted the title of the thread is very parochial.

    Nevertheless, why does no one ever respond to what I wrote about about God being omnipotent, sacrificing himself to himself to save us from himself?

    Does the silence mean it is a stupid question or that you don't have an answer?

    edited because Donkies can't spell very well

    Edited by - donkey on 8 December 2002 21:14:12

  • avishai

    Donkey, I did'nt respond cuz I agree wholeheartedly. As a matter of fact I want to thank you for putting it so well, I called my mom & read it to her this A.M. She loved it. Thanks

  • JT
    . For example- is there a Japan? Yes. How do you know? Have you ever been there? (If so, replace Japan with somewhere you have not been) No you haven't. But, you believe it's there. Interesting...

    so weak of an argument no i have never been to japan- i just happen to work with 7 folks who are from Japan-

    could you please provide the number of 7 folks who you know that have been to heaven and i can call to get the details on the milk and honey is it 2% or Half and Half milk

  • JT
    Adam sinned. You agree. Therefore cursing the entire human race. Now, don't be asking "well, why!? etc..." Just accept it, cuz you know it's true

    i'm a buddist who is adam

  • czarofmischief

    No, the silence means I'm at work and sometimes the boss walks in. Pesky employers, overriding my American Right to Slack!

    Anyway, I'm close to my limit for the day, so I'd better make this good.

    I don't think that God and Jesus are the same person. Connected, but different people. So the issue of why god has to become man himself is a non-issue.

    God cannot become man. Solomon said that the heavens themselve could not contain his grandeur, so the shell of a human being could not. Only a representative could fit.


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