Zolensky, If you truly believe my friend that the WTS is the "truth" and that your future depends upon your allegiance to them then that is where you need to be . Please look in the mirror and act upon your "true" beliefs instead of hypocritically worrying about what others are doing. I wish you luck and hope you find the "strength" to do what you feel is right but lay off us.
everone is in confusion
by zolensky 55 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome, Zol...
Only thing I can add to all of these comments is this:
I spent 5 years in the heart of the organization - Brooklyn Bethel. 3 months after leaving Bethel I left the org all together and have not looked back. Why? Because I recognized that something was not right. I witnessed GB members giving morning worship and stating their own personal ideas and beliefs as what SHOULD BE. I realized that they are a group of normal men trying to make their corporation last and be successful. If these men are imperfect, how is it right for them to set rules that determine the righteousness of everyone? If they are directly influenced by God, then there should be no imperfections in their writings. All of the Biblical writers were imperfect men, yet they were inspired by God, correct? And people deem their instructions to be the Word of God, so why can't the same be applied to the GB?
Lastly, I challenge any JW to show me the evidence that this organization without question is the only one to have God's favor and support. There have been numerous reasons why they DON'T have his spirit, so I'd love to hear the reasons why you think they do.
Welcome to the board...open your mind and allow yourself to challenge everything you've been taught. If it's the truth, there should be no way to persuade you otherwise, so what do you have to loose? :-)
Take care,
don think it is that hard to see that all those who are outside that claim to be happy are only that way because the world is appealing to their physical pleasures and lets them do what they want to.
Really?!!! Shoot - I must be doing something wrong then, as I have been faithfully married & happy for 8 years. Nor do I do drugs, drink incessently, eat like a pig, gamble or anything else.
When I was growing up a JW, I KNEW all those non-JW's were just selfish people, doing whatever they wanted. I will never believe how wrong I was. Not all of us dove into sex, drugs & other "sins of the world". Many of us are still upstanding moral citizens. Although I understand the judgementalism of that above statement, it never ceases to irk me. Being a JW does not give one the power to arrogantly judge others hearts - that's what God and Jesus are supposed to do - isn't it?
If anyone has an issue here in this thread - its you. You profess to want to be "back in", yet you post here and haven't been to a meeting in 3 months. That's just hypocrisy isn't it? And yet you post disdain for those of us here that, regardless of the reasons why we left, have come to comfortably know that the JW's do not have the corner market on God's love, or forgiveness for that matter. See, I can still be as judgemental as any ole JW. But at least my comments have some basis in truth.
Country Girl
An "organization" is only as good as the sum of its parts.
if after studying all the information about the WTS with an open mind, you feel it would make you happy to go back to the org, then great.....do it! i'm sure the majority of us here would be happy for you, knowing that it would make you happy.
just dont insist everyone else should do the same.
I don't know if you are still reading replies, but I take personal affront to your statement that people who left the organization did so to satisfy "physical pleasures" or because they did not want to follow the guidance of the organization. I am a married woman, do not smoke, lie, steal, cheat, etc, follow my conscience even when it is sometimes to my disadvantage (giving back excess change at a store, informing someone when they have given me something I am not entitled to), etc. I did not leave for any of the unkind reasons you gave, I left because I FELT IT WAS NOT THE TRUTH! My entire family is still in, and I never say a negative word to them. They jokingly refer to me as a "heathen" or "pagan", but I never respond in kind. If you wanted to get encouragement, you should never have come to the internet, the society has written numerous articles about the "danger" of the internet. You should have gone to the elders, pioneers, strong publishers, etc. AND YOU KNOW IT. If you want to stay in the organization, that's certainly your option, but HOW DARE YOU judge people on this board who are looking for comfort and friendship after some of the most devastating experiences of their lives??!! You don't agree with the thoughts on this board, fine, GO AWAY!