Athiests and Christmas?

by clash_city_rockers 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rem

    Thank you so much, Clash, for opening my eyes to the inconsistencies of my atheistic creed. I now understand that I am actually worshipping Jehovah of armies when I eat a candy cane. I hope the Real Atheists tm don't hunt me down and force me to read the communist manifesto for incorrectly following the dogma of non-belief. All I will ever amount to is a worthless quasi-atheist. Silly me, I can't help worshipping those pagan gods every time I look at my schedule on Microsoft Outlook tm . Afixed to the top of every column on my weekly calendar like a disgusting idol sits the name of a pagan god just waiting for me to sing its praises. And I do! Sometimes I say, "TGIF", which stands for "Thank God(ess) it's Friday". I am a poor confused chap. Yes I is.


    Edited by - rem on 18 December 2002 19:33:4

  • COMF

    I missed your answer to me, Shlocker. Please post it again, it must not have come through.

  • GentlyFeral

    Clash, check this out:

    Claim: The day celebrated as Christmas (December 25) is the actual birthday of Jesus.

    Status: Undetermined.


    A whole page of hits using "Christmas" as a search term

    Source: Ontario Centre for Religious Tolerance

    Basically, your claim that Christmas is all about Jesus doesn't hold water.

    gently feral

  • COMF

    I don't believe in the cat in the hat. For years I compromised my integrity by reading the book to my kids at bedtime. I'm so ashamed.

  • donkey

    Clash City Rockers,

    Are you off your rocker? Or do you suffer from incurable FONTASIES?

    I find your font size to be offensive. Please use normal fonts when responding to us. Your font is clouding your abilityto think straight.

    I might be a Donkey but I am not blind dude!!!

  • funkyderek
    Your font is clouding your ability to think straight

    I think it's more complicated than that. His inability (or unwillingness) to choose a useful font and his inability (or unwillingness) to embrace rational thought probably stem from the same cause. Whether his religious beliefs are the cause or just another symptom, I don't know.

  • clash_city_rockers

    Skeptic demonstrates more naivet when he communicates his worldview:

    Perfect explaination, larc. It is strange how some people on this thread don't get such a simple concept. I'll bet they ponder how someone can be a JW and yet be a fornicator .

    Skeptic, JWs sleep around and fornicate all the time. Why some may ask? This is because there is no gospel in the message of the WT thus JWs have no power for inter change or growth in holiness and sanctification this will explain why there is so many sex scandals in the individual JW congregations. J-Dubs have no Christ centered gospel message hence there is no grace and no power to change the inter-man/woman for godliness thus the best they can do is look good on the outside. This is why J-dubs are just as morally crooked in their actions as atheists.

    Skeptic says:

    Who says I have to be consistent at all? It is my life and I live it as I choose. I am not out to convert the world to my viewpoint, nor am I militant about anything. I have nothing to prove to anyone, including myself.

    First go ahead and celebrate Christmas thats good you are at least acknowledging the birth of the God the Son Jesus Christ, who you by your atheistic principle deny. Skeptic, when you say that you are an atheist by consequence you therefore place yourself by your atheistic commitment to certain philosophical commitments and obligations to the worldview of atheism. Which one of them and I would hearken to say the foundational pillar of atheistic assertions there are no gods. Yet you seem disingenuous about your own conviction of atheism when you engage in the festive activity of celebrating the birth of Jesus. If one where truly and atheist as you claim then they would have nothing to do with Christmas.

    Skeptic posts:

    I live in a country where there are Muslims and Christians. During Ramadan, I do not eat lunch in front of my Muslim friends out of respect for them and their beliefs. When a Christian asks me to say Grace, I do. Why?

    First thing is first.. No Christian and I mean No really redeemed Christian has the business nor the right to ask a non-believer to pray or say grace. A true Christian would never ask an un believer to pray since he does not have a redemptive relationship with the Lord, for God does not listen to the prayers of the unbeliever.

    Now let me put the atheistic worldview to practice with your Muslim friend. Why should anyone committed to the atheist worldview that they should respect other peoples religion by what ultimate standard is the atheist bound to that he should respect the Muslim or Jew or anybodies belief system. Dont get self-righteous either and say it is for the sake for loving humanity or some humanistic silliness like that. In atheism (the worldview your committed to) standards are arbitrary or a better way to put there are no really true or ultimate standards.

    Now as a Christian I have the freedom to approach the situation with a Muslim with a refreshingly different approach. We must hold respect for human individuals for they are made in the image of God. Yet there are those who hold to idolatrous religions that should not be respected like Islam, Jehovahs Witness, Moonies, Papists, Mormons, Hindus and so on. Godly prudence is the answer. This is what I mean. You have a Muslim friend its Ramadan season he enslaved to his legalistic doctrine of not eating during the day. Its about 1:30 in the afternoon and as a Christian you turn to your Muslim buddy and say lets get some grub Im buying. He says I cant I a Muslim and its Ramadan. This would be a good opportunity for the Christian share the gospel of the Lord to his Muslim pal and that the freedom we have in Christ we are not bound to some silly bazaar legalistic dietary law in order to save ourselves. Christ did it all salvation by faith alone through grace alone.

    Skeptic working at CNN gives us this tid bit:

    Newsflash: I don't have to uphold an atheistic dogma. Or any dogma...that is the good part of not being part of any religion or cult.

    Newsflash Skeptic: Once you claim to be an atheist you have already committed yourself to an atheist dogma. The Position that there are no gods is a dogmatic position.

    Unless you want to give us a new newsflash and say ..

    Newsflash: Skeptic is no longer an atheist.

  • clash_city_rockers

    Rem with much appreciation writes:

    Thank you so much, Clash, for opening my eyes to the inconsistencies of my atheistic creed.

    Thanks rem dont mention it.

    Rem fearing the retribution of consistent atheists writes:

    I hope the Real Atheists tm don't hunt me down and force me to read the communist manifesto for incorrectly following the dogma of non-belief. All I will ever amount to is a worthless quasi-atheist.

    Dont worry we have the civil magistrate to protect us you can thank God for Romans 13. As far as being a quasi-atheist I suppose you are doing a good job.


    And to think I write many of my fundamentalist responses at the Graduate Theological Union library in Berkeley, CA right under the noses of the sultans of liberalism especially those from the Unitarian School of theology who are also intolerant of bible believing Christians, shame on them. Of course you can find me at the book row of BX 9400 that is reformation Calvinist alley.

    cheers with beers,


    Edited by - clash_city_rockers on 20 December 2002 5:36:5

  • Sirona

    Clash - FunkyDerek and I have had a few lively debates about my beliefs. LOL.

    You simply don't know what atheism is and you don't know what paganism is. As you say, there are individual differences in the umbrella term "paganism". More specifically, my religion is Wicca. Wiccans do not do the things you described.

    Christians however...well. Christianity is also responsible for billions of deaths throughout history. It is responsible for untold misery. Christians have been guilty of murder in the name of Jesus. Would you like me to tar you with that brush? NO! I wouldn't presume to judge you. Remember the words of Jesus (who you claim to follow) - remove the rafter from your own eye before removing the straw from anothers eye. Also, do not judge - that is up to God.


  • clash_city_rockers

    Finally Funky cannot deal with the substance of counter point augments against his position especially if theyre dealt in a reductio fashion. Picking on font style just demonstrates that you have conceded your position of atheism as in defendable and a futile intellectual pursuit.

    1. Atheism can not be lived consistently

    2. Christmas is against Atheism

    3. Atheist seem to keep borrowing capitol from the Christian Worldview

    All the participants on this thread demonstrated these points very well and I thank you for participating.

    Tootles, jr

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