France & Germany Take the Same Stance

by MrMoe 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • pettygrudger

    JH - don't forget Saudi Arabia - that's where the MAJORITY of the terrorists came from.......oops wait - they're our allies (wink wink)

  • MrMoe

    Are we forgetting why weapons of mass destruction are such a big issue? Um September 11th!!! You know, when it was told that certain folks would stop and no ends to DESTROY the USA? And we vowed to not allow any further terrorists actions to continue? The buck stopped THERE. IT all began one fateful morning when the Twin Towers were bombed.

  • pettygrudger
  • JH

    The New World Order has a cop call the USA

    It is the seventh head of the beast with two horns (USA+Britain)

  • Xander

    Yes, but as noted many times, why does the World Trade Center attack mean we get a carta blanche to attack anyone anywhere we want regardless of if they are a threat to us or not?

    I'm not much of a pacifist, and I was completely behind the Afghan campaign to route out Bin Laden (who, apparently, is still alive and kicking). That was right. We were attacked, it was our right to defend ourselves. Bin Laden was a crazy wildcard with delusions of grandeur brought on by religious extremism and ethnic hatred.

    Saddam may be cruel (well, okay, IS cruel), but is none of those other things. He doesn't HATE the US and desire our destruction. He has demonstrated he is willing to fight a way in his region to gain more local control, but that's it. Where were the terrorist attacks on the US during the last Gulf War? Where were the uses of the WMD -HE DID HAVE AT THE TIME- against the US mainland?

    He's had the opportunity and motive in the past to attack us in that manner - IF THAT WAS TO HIS ADVANTAGE - but, he didn't. Why not? Because he fights war in a 'civilized' manner (at least as civilized as the rest of the world fights wars, anyhow).

    Saddam IS NOT Bin Laden. Saddam is NOT LIKE Bin Laden.

    They are two different people (who don't get along), representing two different countries (who don't get along), representing two different idealogies (in opposition to each other!)

    Not everyone who has even opposed the US at any time in the past is in collusion with each other.

    Edited by - Xander on 22 January 2003 17:4:20

  • MrMoe

    oh my god... I need to stop posting, the ignorance is getting on my nerves. It's like September 11th never even happened. What is with some of you people?

  • MrMoe

    But Xander -- there are RULES. And tell me, after Saddam has gained local control of hte nearby countries, and his strength grows, then what? Saddam doesnt' hate the US? That view is laughable at best.


  • Xander

    No, it's like Sept 11th had NOTHING TO DO WITH SADDAM.

    That was BIN LADEN.

    Spell it please.









    Note, that does NOT spell Saddam!

    What IS interesting is, if you want to know who DID help Bin Laden, look no farther than SAUDI ARABIA. Iraq and Bin Laden are NOT ON FRIENDLY TERMS. Citizens of Saudi Arabia, however, ARE ON FRIENDLY TERMS with Bin Laden.

  • Xander

    But Xander -- there are RULES


    Share with me please what rule you think Saddam has violated that has never, ever been violated by any country friendly to the US or the US ourselves?

    Again, I am NOT a pacifist.

    The war against Hitler WAS JUST.

    The war on Bin Laden WAS JUST.

    This IS NOT.

    Edited by - Xander on 22 January 2003 17:8:49

  • pettygrudger

    Does anyone not see the irony in the fact that the governments with the most to lose from the Sadam's of the world are saying they do not wish to see a blown out war, but would rather concentrate on a coup attempt instead?

    Moe, if he was as "threatening" as you make him out to be, don't you think the Arab states would be rallying around us right now? Like Iran? Don't you find it strange that we for the most part are going it alone? Didn't get that in 91' - didn't get that in Afghanistan, and yet now we are - doesn't this tell you something?

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