This is a very difficult topic to say the least.
It's obviously controversial, and the overturning of Roe v Wade is definitely divisive.
There is much to discuss, e.g. rape victims who get pregnant do deserve abortions, I totally agree with this point.
But let's be honest, the majority of women getting abortions aren't rape victims.
Boys and girls need good advice in their schooling and education - including sex education.
Here's a piece of advice that I've heard from someone else but it makes sense and so I'd give it to young women: only sleep with a man if you think he'd make a good father.
Liberals have been crying, hysterically saying that with this new ruling, women will be at the mercy of their sexual biology. And I say: bollocks! Adults should behave responsibly and be held responsible for their own behaviour.
The function of male and female bodies is to make babies, that's obvious.
Clearly, Homo sapiens is a sexually reproducing species, and people can learn this the easy way or the hard way.