I personally think it's emotive arguing to call the abortion of an embryo baby murdering. I'm not saying it's nothing, something tragically significant has happened but a baby has not been murdered.
Who are you, I or the State to say to woman; "You WILL carry your pregnancy to term whether you want to or not". Does the State OWN women?
I think these two things go together.
An early embryo, even when it's a clump of cells, is a potential person. But it isn't one yet. Until it has a heart and a nervous system, it's more of an appendage of the mother. I don't like the idea of abortions but IMO there's usually plenty of time to have one when it's at a stage that it wouldn't be such a big deal.
So then we're undermining the notion that anyone is forcing the mother to carry to term. But at some point along the way it transitions from a potential human life to an actual new human life, it has a heartbeat, it has a nervous system, it has a brain, it can respond to music and its mothers voice.
At that point it's not the state or anyone else forcing the mother to carry it, she's decided that herself, but I think it's OK to prevent the mother or anyone else from murdering it.
What is missing in all this are the reasons and the idea that it's aborted "just because" demonstrates an intentional lack of data collection. They could easily record for instance when it's unwanted because ... "I broke up with ma boyfriend and want to get back at him". Do I think that's a valid reason? No. I think the state should intervene to protect the life of that unborn human child.
Sensible term limits, and more oversight and "justifiable reason" required as time goes on, to the point that it is only allowed for medical reasons as it gets closer to the end, just seems like something the majority of people could agree on.
If you're wanting an abortion at 28 weeks, why didn't you want one at 18, or 12, or 6 ?