JWN, 23 years posting Blondie
by blondie 73 Replies latest jw friends
Will have to look up how long I've been posting... :)
Yes, the problem with the "religiots" is they have no self-moderation. They just want to splatter their bible-quote tourettes over everything.
The forum is intended to be for exJWs, not for religious people to try to preach.
Our pups were poorly for a couple of weeks, then we were down with flu, so we've not been on top of things as much as I'd like.
We're probably overdue for a clear-out - if anyone can point out the worst offending accounts I'll take care of things. Don't assume just because someone is posting things that they are approved, I likely just haven't clicked on those particular topics or noticed someone repeating comments and preaching, so if you see something feel free to message me a link to any instances.
Speaking most definitely for myself, and I suspect many others here, I very much appreciate all you do to maintain this site and this community of friends.
What a bunch of whiny kiss-asses.
If you want to cultivate your own neo-WT "exjw paradise" with tyrants for GB-style-king-mods and ears pasted shut, then by all means, promote ignorant thinking and band-wagon-jumping mob dictatorship.
Blondie, I am ashamed of you for acting like a kiss-ass publisher telling on "apostates" in the KH.
There will never be truth found on the lips of those who kiss the butts of liars.
Only 💩💩💩.
(By the way, I find it interesting who chooses to talk about "self-moderation.")
Fear of man does not lead to "truth." It leads to a gaggle of wamby-pamby pansies whining about how they think God doesn't exist when the real thing is they're actually scared of Him.
You can disfellowship and shun those who tell you the truth, but the truth doesn't change.
"Get ready to meet your God."
There's your first one right there Simon 🙄
Keep this thread up for a week for an "Exhibit A". lol. :)
@ Free TheMasons:
Did you ever start a Bible study with someone you found in "field service" when you were a JW? I honestly want to know, because if you did you must have had a better approach than you do on this board.
If not, we all know why.
FTM -- don't go away mad.
Just go away!
What a bunch of whiny kiss-asses.
Buh bye!
You're not welcome here. I've already removed links to your YouTube videos. I'll clean up the rest of your drivel later.