JWN, 23 years posting Blondie

by blondie 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G’day all but especially youse old-timers,

    Just wanted to say that it’s reassuring to see you (esp Blondie) ‘keeping the faith’.

    I was absent for a while during the prolonged sickness and eventual death of my dear Mrs Ozzie. I called in to JWN and here we have some familiar faces/names.

    And thx for our facilitator Simon.

    This place has given so much to so many over many years.

    Without the vigilance of people like you who have commented already, the culture would be allowed to change, but happily forces are at work to stop that.

    Luvs ya all!


    Ozzie 🍷🍷

  • vienne

    It's way past time for FreeMasonsw and the Catholic missionary go.

  • Drearyweather

    FreetheMasons (previous username - EasyPrompt) was always whining and ranting about how the elders unjustly disfellowshipped her because she was a "disruptive" individual. It seems I agree with her elders on this.

  • WingCommander

    Wow.......I just checked and I see I've been on here 22 years now. Seeing as how I'm 45, that means I've been on here nearly HALF of my entire life! I'm also proud to state that I've now been "out" of that dumbass cult longer than I was in! (escaped totally by the time I joined here for support)

    22 years. The things that I've done and seen in that amount of time in my life. The incredible changes to this cult, that would have my parents and grandmother spinning in their graves if they were alive today! It's truly a sight to behold; like a trainwreck in slow motion, you can't not help but keep staring in awe as to what is transpiring.

  • blondie

    Thanks almost everybody, for sharing their same concerns. This is not a place to promote religious beliefs. Starting your own discussion board might be more productive. I have not reported anyone ever even at the KH. Simon, sorry for what happened, illness in the family deserves quality time. But sharing experiences, asking for help dealing with the hurtful words and actions from the WTS and its members, is very helpful. This board helped me so much to heal and go forward. I would like it to still be the same way for people reading and/or commenting here. And to Ozziepost, my long-time buddy on JWN, I'm sorry with the loss of your wife. You two were always so loving and an example to us. There have been jws that have gone onto a religious group that supports them. Others have left the WTS and chosen not to reassociate with another group. Each choice is the one that works for them. I have progressed through several stages and changes in my choices in this area. We should treat each other with the respect and love we were not shown in the WTS. Love, Blondie

  • Duran
    This is not a place to promote religious beliefs.

    Bible Research & Study Articles
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    It seems to be a confusing fine line here. If you are an ex-JW, it would seem that you believed in Jehovah, Jesus and the Bible and that the WTS/GB being the ones that were chosen to teach about them.

    Then it seems that because of many different factors having to do with the WTS/GB, that it causes many to stop believing in the WTS/GB, which in turn causes them to become an ex-JW.

    Stopping believing in the WTS/GB does not = stopping believing in Jehovah, Jesus and the Bible.

    So, is this site truly for ex-JWs or is it only for ex-JWs that no longer believe in Jehovah, Jesus, and the Bible as a result of their stop believing in the WTS/GB?

    I had always thought that this site was made up of all people that are ex-JWs or PIMOs but had varying degrees of belief in the Bible, Jehovah and Jesus.

    I thought the common hatred/anger had to do with the WTS/GB, not the Bible, etc. Even the strongest atheist here, if they were JWs at some point, then they themselves read the Bible and prayed to Jehovah in the past.

    I get that the disappointment and wrong doings of the WTS/GB led to the anger/hatred of them. I even get that that leads to the disbelief in God and the Bible for some. But I don't understand why those ex-JWs are against the ex-JWs that have not lost their belief in the Bible, etc.

    One of the most effective ways to show that the WTS/GB are full of shit in what they teach is to use the Bible (Scriptures) along with their own publications.

    If someone points out the BS from the WTS in regard to 607/537, 1914/1918, etc. they get a LIKE from the atheist. If that same someone while pointing out the BS of the 42 months with 1914/1918, says that those 42 months are still future, then it is a DISLIKE because the atheist does not like that this someone still believes in the Bible even though they showed that the WTS/GB were wrong in what they say.

  • nicolaou

    Duran, analysing the doctrines that once held us all captive is helpful. It helps former cult members understand where they've come from and how they were mislead. It's part of the awakening process and gives confidence to take those first steps to freedom.

    Evangelising for your particular religious point of view is unhelpful and unwelcome. There is a huge difference between promoting and analysing.

    Make the effort to understand that.

  • Duran
    There is a huge difference between promoting and analysing.

    I am not advocating for promoting/evangelizing a particular religious point of view here. I am just pointing out that when it comes to ex-JWs which this site is claimed to be for, that many ex-JWs/PIMOs have not stop believing in the Bible, etc, they have just stop beieveing in the WTS/GB. Because of that if they are here then that is going to come through when speaking/posting here.

    analysing the doctrines that once held us all captive is helpful.

    Agreed. But for many analyzing and finding out WTS/GB doctrine is BS does not = thinking the Bible is BS. I know that you believe that it is, and I can understand why you feel that way, but the captive part was to the WTS/GB, not to the Bible.

    Again, I am not saying believe the Bible or not, I am just saying that I think there are more ex-JWs that still believe in the Bible, etc. then those who became atheist, so that when coming on an ex-JW site it is not surprising to see these ex-JWs still talk about the Bible and belief in God as it pertains to the future as there is even a topics for that here.

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  • Touchofgrey


    Some do promote their own religious beliefs as in some way superior to the JW beliefs, And if you don't accept their version of jesus you won't be saved and you should be concerned about the consequences of that decision, that's using coercive language to try to make people accept their version of jesus ,and that's a controlling behaviour, which is the same as jws use to control their followers (victims).

    Individuals should be allowed to make a decision about their beliefs or lack of belief based on their own independent research and not being manipulated by others.

    As someone who no longer believes in a god or gods because of independent research and following the evidence, and that was by making a personal examination of the bible and its teachings and history and not being coercived by others especially under veiled threats.

    So having a discussion on bible topics in a neutral way as it was the way on this site for a long time ,look back at topics in the past you will see that.

  • Duran
    Some do promote their own religious beliefs

    I know and as I said, 'I am not advocating for promoting/evangelizing a particular religious point of view here'.

    But as I also said: 'It seems to be a confusing fine line here.'

    No where on the main page do I see the word 'atheist' and that you must be one/share their views.

    On the main page it says: 'Discussion Forum' and 'a friendly, tolerant and informative environment'


    Be nice
    We're a global community of people from many different cultures and backgrounds. Not everyone is going to share the same beliefs or opinions but everyone has the right to feel comfortable using and visiting the site.

    So, if I have a belief or opinion about the Bible, I should be comfortable sharing it while at the same time not pushing it to the point that I am right therefore you should believe me.

    At the same time an atheist should by all means share why they don't believe but not to the point that because they have come to that conclusion that they are right, and all believers are fools for their faith.

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