So let's see you've never taken that little shampoo bottle or pkt of soap from the motel room, or maybe wished some son-of-a-bitch dead, or had some sexual fantasy in some kind of three-some, or wanted what someone else has.....
So you don't need a personal saviour, that's alright you're a much better person then myself. I have come to the realization that I do need a saviour and that I can't do it my own way because I stuff-up at every turn, yeah, I still stuff-up but I not let it get to me.
I reread your post and I still get the same message that your doing fine on your own and don't need God. Why? Because your a good person, law abiding, polite ect....
I just didn't agree with your theology. But you have a right to your opionons.
the bible saids that we are all sinners in God's eyes. That we all fall short of the glory of God.
Jesus saids in the bible - I am (Jesus,the messiah) am the way the truth and the life no ONE comes to the fFather(GOD) except through me.(the lamb of God- Christ Jesus).
Jesus answered them,"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Luke ch 5 : v 31-32
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Matt ch 5 : v9 Who are the peacemakers? The ones in Christ, and who tell the gospel to others. The Messiah is the peace and He comes to give it in abundance, but not as the world knows peace!
God loves you to and wants a relationship with all of us. The rest is up to us....
I didn't mean for it to look like pot shots at you personally what you think is what a lot of people think. I just wanted every-one reading this post to see the truth.( Jesus Christ the Word of God-the goodnews)
I agreed with you that the 'Left Behind' theology is a heap of crap!