Haven't been served any documents yet. We have a saying here in the U.S "Cry Bully" We've been attacked & bullied by this man for 10 years. Good thing I have a HUGE file of screenshots, videos, etc of not only about our family, but when he has attacked others. Including the fiasco when he called a grandmother of 9 a "F*****g C**t". Just for posting a scripture on facebook
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
Haven't been served any documents yet.
How were the screenshots of the docs obtained? I saw the one for Cora and another for Jonathan Burger.
So they were not sent by mail as Lloyd was hinting at? You source those through your lawyer?
The only "Cunt" around is Lloyd!
How were the screenshots of the docs obtained? I saw the one for Cora and another for Jonathan Burger.
I believe these have been obtained from the court filings. i.e. it's what Lloyd has submitted as his claim, or evidence of his claim.
If someone liking a video (not the original creator of the video) is the kind of thing he's including as "evidence" then he's desperate beyond belief, because it's fucking idiotic. The court will see this as wasting their time and process.
This is the kind of thing that gets dismissed with prejudice - where even the lawyers can get in trouble for submitting something they know to be BS.
Have you, in your honest opinion or experience, ever seen or had lloyd shut someone/you down, bully, harrass or intimidate them/you? Lloyd seems to be of the opinion, based on his court documents, that he does not do this.
Whenever we went through the C of C mess I got on the bad side of Lloyd and/or the flying monkeys. As a writer, this argument was close to my heart, and by extension, my wallet. Lloyd seemed to be taking the view that he could republish CofC because the copyright holder didn't seem to be doing much with it.
In his view, there was nothing wrong with that. I pointed out that a copyright wasn't just a piece of paper, it was proof of ownership. What he was doing was the moral equivalent of stealing his car out of the driveway because "nobody was using it."
I bring this up because I think it is a good example of his cavalier attitude toward the rights of others. He was happy to siphon money from Debra Dykstra. But then he cries foul when anybody, anywhere, does something that might impinge on his funds.
The above is entirely my opinion.
Thank you for your opinion JeffT 👍
He always minimizes the severity of his own wrongdoing. This was his comment on the CofC issue:
Note that he mocks Debra Dysktra, claiming that her cease-and-desist letter "probably cost more to write and send than the total value of the bootleg books." Funny... didn't he get someone's video copyright-struck recently? Oh, right... copyright matters when it benefits him.
Thanks Tonus, will read this thread, greatly appreciated x
So they were not sent by mail as Lloyd was hinting at? You source those through your lawyer?
Correct, Kim (Silvio) is still working with the lawyer. From what I understand (and correct me if I'm wrong Kim) Lloyd hasn't sent shit to anyone.
He always minimizes the severity of his own wrongdoing. This was his comment on the CofC issue:
Read the thread, interesting names that he called 5/7th of the M7…..obvs not me because I was still a JW at that time and not Jonathan because he wasn’t around either…..that fact does not escape me.