My personal favourite was the entire passage about M&K's daughter and how he took umbrage at being called obsessed with her. And he was - he posted the entire Facebook msgr exchange where he kept going at her and wouldn't leave her alone.
Vintage Lloyd - He publicly details a planned rebuttal video mocking her, and in doing so mocks her, but then congratulates himself for never making it because she (according to him) suffered from depression and suicidal thoughts. Could be best summarised this way: "I think you are ridiculous and unattractive and I was going to make a video about it, but I didn't because I was afraid you'd kill yourself"
Great guy,
Also this:
Dijana also can't help but feel enraged when she sees her picture (taken from our translation company website), being shared around on Facebook "hate Cedars" groups, the members of whom then speculate that she is the victim of an oppressive, abusive husband.
This aged well. Looks like those folks from the "hate Cedars" groups were dead-on. An oppressive, abusive husband - he managed to prove everyone right and I think she knew it then, but was afraid to say anything lest it set him off on one of his rants and depression/suicide threats.
That's a recurring theme in all this - his supposed struggle with depression and flirtations with suicide. Recently he's claimed that exJW activism "nearly killed me", heavily implying that his scandal that he was 100% at fault for led him to the brink. I have reason to doubt this. This has been his go-to method to garner sympathy and he's returned to it time and time again over the years.