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What is Your Favorite WT Lie?
by Sea Breeze 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Another one is related to their refusal to "repent" for past errors and the severe effects they've had on thousands of the R&F over the decades, by simply referring to them as "clarifications of understanding" or some such.
Every time they do a screeching U-turn on a prediction or teaching, there is a noticeable absence of "Sorry, we messed up on that one" and no words of regret to Witnesses who have suffered, been disfellowshipped for disagreeing with what has now become their own teaching, or even died. Worse, they often even blame these ones for "allowing themselves to be misled" - effectively blaming them for doing what they were told they had to - for example over the 1975 debacle.
The house Rutherford used in San Diego, build with donations for the holy ones after the resurrection.
When someone presented themselve as Abraham and claimed the house, he got a kick on the ass from Rutherfraud himself.
' 1935 is the cut off year for collecting the anointed.'
Years later:
'It would seem that 1935 is NOT the cut off year for the calling of the anointed.'
1975 ! Ooh We never said that the end was coming...
In my book the most ridiculous lies were told by JF Rutherfraud:
Black people will turn white when they reach perfection in the new world. AND
Women will become men when the earth is filled.
Beth Sarim
Oh yeah of course.
'' beth Sarim"".
How I got my "" handle "" lol.
Sea Breeze
My mother, a very sweet, fun and loving woman was baptized as a JW in 1942 at nine years old. She was already a 3rd generation Jehovah's Witness by that time.
When the Masthead changed in the Awake Magazine in the Nov. 8, 1995, I became really angry because this false "generation" prophecy was pushed on my mother as secure unrefutable fact since she was a little girl. I must admit, I felt sorry and empathy for my aged mother because of what this meant to her, BEFORE I ever felt personal rage at them wasting 32 years of my own life.
So, I agree with others that the 1975 lie has to be one of the nastiest most putrid lie they ever uttered. They went big with this one. They pounded it into people's heads over, and over, and over until it whipped many into a frenzy to sell their home and pioneer (even though they had 5 kids - my uncle), only to die an alcoholic years later.
So, this one is worth saving for posterity:
Awake Masthead Nov. 8, 1995
Sea Breeze, that Masthead changed only 18 months from the time they printed the Watchtower Magazine that said without a doubt, that the generation of 1914 would not Pass Away.
What happened among the Governing Body that they made a 360 degrees turn in less than two years. Something must of happened that made them realize that the generation teaching was all wrong. And now they had to start doing something.
I believe this was the time they KNEW, the Last Days Doctrine was all wrong and they had to do something without the publishers realizing what had happened. This was the moment, that they started opening the door to go mainstream.
Sea Breeze
What happened among the Governing Body that they made a 360 degrees turn in less than two years.
Math happened. They hammered that scripture that says that a generation is 70 - 80 yrs. over and over that they felt they had to address it. 80 yrs. had expired only 11 months earlier. What was their way to addres it? Just change it with no explanation.... like no one was going to notice.
A lot of people left the WT after this, but not nearly enough. The majority gave them a pass.