I myself would stick to doctrinal and policy issues and what scriptures the WTS uses and why not accurate or where the WTS has waffled on their applications of certain scriptures.
What is Your Favorite WT Lie?
by Sea Breeze 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Beth Sarim
Heres one:
"We treat people how they would want to be treated".
Uh,, ok...
But when they dont talk about the shunning policy.
Sea Breeze
I agree when in person. But for posting online, I think documented quote snippets are very effective, and make people more comfortable cut and pasting the data.
Watchtower will die a death from a thousand knives, not a just a few hard punches. I have always been a little surprised at the diversity of reasons of WHY people leave the Watchtower.
How bout the teaching that Jesus inspected all the churches and ONLY the WTS was worthy.
I mean, why wasn’t Jesus ALWAYS inspecting HIS churches?, HIS churches
Beth Sarim
. . TTW,,,That was a good one !!!
"I am one of Jehovah's witnesses".
Sea Breeze
How about this one: "Our meetings are free, there is no obligation"
There is a reason the cheese is free.
"You can trust the brothers".
Here are two of my favorites as reported by Goles Grey:
Here is a lie made by the Society in 1993:-
“The Watchtower has consistently presented evidence to honesthearted students of Bible prophecy that Jesus’ presence in heavenly Kingdom power began in 1914.” Watchtower 1993 Jan 15 p.5
However, the Watchtower once claimed that Jesus took up his kingly throne in 1878:-
- “… 1874 as the time of our Lord’s second presence as Bridegroom and Reaper, and to April 1878 as the time when he began to exercise his office of King of kings and Lord of lords…” – Studies in the Scriptures – Thy Kingdom Come (1911 ed.) p.150
- “The spring of A.D. 1878 (three and a half years later) corresponds to the date at which our Lord assumed the office of King…” – Studies in the Scriptures – The Time Is At Hand 1915 ed. p.235
It’s not clear why the writers of the 1993 Watchtower lied, but there is it in black and white.
Here is another lie:-
“Jehovah’s witnesses pointed to the year 1914, decades in advance, as marking the start of “the conclusion of the system of things.” – Awake! 1973 Jan 22 p.8
This claim is also provably untrue.
In the decades leading up to the year 1914, Jehovah’s Witnesses taught:-
- “THE ‘Time of the End,” a period of one hundred and fifteen(115) years, from A.D. 1799 to A.D. 1914, is particularly marked in the Scriptures.” Studies in the Scriptures – Thy Kingdom Come p.23
- But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of troubles.” – Zion’s Watch Tower 1894 Jul 15 p.226
- “In view of this strong Bible evidence concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished at the end of A.D. 1914.” – Studies in the Scriptures – The Time Is At Hand (1889) p.98-99
Decades before 1914, the Watchtower taught that that date marked the ‘end of the conclusion of the system of things’ with the war of Armageddon, contrary to what was stated in the 1973 Awake magazine.
It is particularly satisfying that their lies have finally caught up with them.
The amount of lying and deceitfulness is simply appalling!
It's not like they lied on one or two (or even a few) insignificant things. NO! What did they NOT lie about? It even involves some of their most important doctrines -- doctrines that separate them from Christendom and that identify them as "the one true religion". (HA!) I think that what they stated that has NOT changed would be a shorter list.
And, it still ANGERS me. They have damaged (and even destroyed) so many lives. And most assuredly, at least some of those "at the top" must KNOW they are LYING. The writers that use misleading quotes and "spin" the Old Light to New Light cannot be "in the dark" and innocent about all of the deception. No. They are liars.